• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
A lecture by an international UN expert was held at the University

A lecture by an international UN expert was held at the University

On October 10, 2024, the university hosted a lecture for students and teachers by the International Expert of the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations Agency Kenbaev Zhangali Aitkalievich on the topic: "The Law on Combating Human Trafficking as the next stage of the legal...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Tourism (scientific and pedagogical direction)



  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The contents of the educational master program in 7М11101 "Tourism" are assumed by studying of such disciplines as "Tourism economy", "Theoretical and methodological problems of the industry of tourism", "Technology of entrance tourism", "Problems of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism", etc. It promotes development of competences of questions of maintenance of tourism, indicators of his development, development of the world industry of tourism, social and economic policy of the state in the field of economy and the territorial organization of rest and tourism. And also to acquisition of skills: the scientific organization of work, automation of processes of collecting, storage and the information processing used in professional activity; conducting tourist office-work; communicative communication in the sphere of professional interests; marketing planning in the sphere of tourism. And to be competent: in questions of assessment of the current state and the prospects of development of the domestic and foreign tourist market, strategic and tactical planning by the tourist of activity; in questions of the organization by the professional tourist of activity.
Graduates of a magistracy according to the educational program 7М11101" as objects of professional activity can choose "Tourism":
by scientific and pedagogical preparation: scientific institutions of a geographical, social and economic profile, design and survey and planned organizations, higher educational institutions.
The academic degree is appropriated to the graduate:
- in the scientific and pedagogical direction – the Master of sciences in the specialty "7М11101 – Tourism";
Training term:
• in the scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.
Form of education – internal.

Program degree: The master of sciences in 7М11101 "Tourism"
Degree and term Unary degree (one university) (130 ECTS – the credits / 59 kaz. credits)
Educational institution Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IKAQAE) http://nkaoko.kz/
Action term This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for the persons receiving degree at the university since 2018
Level QF for ESHE (A qualification framework for the European space of the higher education): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualification framework): level 7; NFQ (national frame of qualifications): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • • The purpose of this master program is providing the appropriate conditions for preparation of the highly qualified competitive personnel in the sphere of tourism having profound theoretical knowledge, research skills, seeking for constant professional growth and personal development
      • Successful graduates have to show:
      • Ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to plan and conduct research activity, to successfully carry out research and administrative activity;
      • ability to analyze tourist activity, to make the scientifically based choice of forms of tourist management;
      • on the basis of the system analysis to be able to build and use models for the description and forecasting of processes, the phenomena and situations, carrying out at the same time their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
      • ability to be guided in informatics and to work on the computer equipment in the course of professional activity;
      • ability to operate with big arrays of scientific information, to work independently with her various sources;
      • ability to present results of the done work in the form of reports, papers, articles, works;
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/area of a subject
    • History and philosophy of science
      Foreign language (professional)
      Organization and planning of scientific research
      Academic Writing
      Methods and technologies of higher education
      Cost management in tourism and hotel industry
      Modern studies of the tourism industry
      Strategic planning in tourism
      Corporate culture and personnel management in the tourism industry
      Impressions economy
      Business organization in the tourism industry
      Technology of inbound tourism
      Service Economy
      Applied touroperating
      Tourism Economy
      Current trends and forecasting the development of the tourist market
    • 2.General information / Specialization
    • At implementation of the educational program of specialty 7М11101 "Tourism" the credit and modular system of the organization of educational process based on the modular principle of curricula, use of system of test units and the appropriate educational technologies is applied
    • 3.Direction
    • Service
    • 4.Features Training of masters of sciences in the field of the tourism industries, fixing of the mastered knowledge by an involvement in mobility on the international practice
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      at scientific and pedagogical preparation: the educational institutions training specialists in tourism, restaurant and hotel business the state bodies connected to the organization of tourism (the ministries, city administrations, their regional subdividings and structures), the state and private companies which are engaged in tourist, hotel and restaurant business, the consulting companies of a tourist profile, marketing services of the tourist enterprises, hotel and restaurant complexes, tourism infrastructure facilities.
    • 2.Further training
    • PhD doctoral studies
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and training
    • In educational process it is widely used innovative forms of training (business games, cases, a debate, round tables, discussions, the review of literature, individual and group projects), master classes.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Critical self-assessment of and peers, reports on projects, assessment of actual data, critical analysis of an incident, seminars. Essay and presentations.
  • E) Program providing
    • 1.General competencies
      The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes general competencies (also known as key skills) of the expected second-year graduates (see the website http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/P1200001080).
      The following competencies are the consolidated and most characteristic competencies for this program:
      To possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field
      To carry out research work and professional and educational activities using modern educational technologies, skills of academic literacy and the mathematical apparatus
      Possess tools for processing economic data, analysis of calculations and justification of the findings of PC2
      To be able to set goals and choose research methods, interpret and present the results of scientific research in the field of resource assessment and forecast of tourism development potential
      Have the skills of planning, designing and conducting tourist activities in the formation of the promotion and implementation of the tourist product
      To be able to present the results of scientific research in the field of tourism in the form of reports, applied developments, reports, publications and public discussions
    • 2.Specific Competences
      to be able to demonstrate modern knowledge and understanding in the field of tourism
      be able to compile, analyze and interpret socio-economic, financial, investment, legislative and other information, formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of hospitality and tourism
      know the methods of analysis, be able to justify the decisions made and implemented in the professional field, be ready to put the results into practice
      be prepared to develop new ideas and their application, including in the context of research
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      • to have an idea:
      about a scientific direction on studied questions;
      about the main trends in the development of the modern tourist market;
      on the laws of tourist activities and forms of their manifestation;
      on the scientific substantiation of the development trends of the modern tourist system and the tourist market;
      • to know:
      international tourist markets and tools
      psychological and social factors of scientific work;
      methodology and research methods;
      types of scientific results: a single fact, empirical generalization, model, law, law, theory;
      • to have the skills to build theoretical and econometric models
      formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, plan and conduct research activities, successfully carry out research and management activities;
      analyze tourism activities, make a scientifically-based choice of forms of tourism management;
      on the basis of system analysis, build and use models to describe and predict processes, phenomena and situations, while carrying out their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
      to be oriented in computer science and work on computer equipment in the course of professional activity;
      operate with large arrays of scientific information, independently work with its various sources;
      present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, papers;
      • to have skills:
      general scientific methodology, logic and technology of research;
      conducting independent research work;
      updating of knowledge in the process of professional activity, ensuring the active use of new information;
      be competent:
      in matters of money, finance, the tourist market and other areas of tourism, as well as in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
  • History and philosophy of science
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, Political science, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Purpose: the study of patterns and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and examined in a historically changing sociocultural context.
    • Brief description of the course: The subject of history and philosophy of science. Philosophy and methodology of science as a branch of philosophical knowledge. Methodology of the system approach. Philosophy and methodology of synergetics. The emergence and formation of science. Science in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. New European science is a classical stage in the development of science. The basic concepts and directions of the nonclassical and post-nonclassical stage of the development of science. Structure and levels of scientific knowledge. World outlook bases of science. Philosophical foundations of science and the scientific picture of the world. Science as a profession. Ideals and norms of science. Functions of science. Scientific traditions and scientific revolutions. History and philosophy of natural and technical sciences. History and Philosophy of Social and Human Sciences. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization.
    • The expected results:
    • To know: the nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science; genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the interrelationship of scientific and philosophical thought; the fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science; the production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines, the basic principles of scientific research. Have an idea of ​​the socio-cultural specific features of history and the philosophy of science; freely operate with concepts; to know the universal connections of phenomena, to understand the essence of the development of science of its dynamics; independently to understand general theoretical questions; master the skills and techniques of the philosophical analysis of science and reflection.
    • To be able to use knowledge and abilities of understanding in practice, to transform the theoretical level of comprehension of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To nominate, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the nonessential; to reveal the interrelations between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze the contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development; conduct a philosophical analysis of fragments of reality with the application of methods and laws of philosophy; master the methodology of scientific knowledge; build a system of evidence in accordance with the criteria of severity, carry out information and search activities, carry out analytical and synthetic activities.
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specific nature of the audience and build a communication process.
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement for the purpose of lifelong learning.
    • Name of the lecturer: Klishina M.V.
  • Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • The expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Pedagogy
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Post-requisites: "Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education".
    • Purpose: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, familiarizing future teachers with the general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communicative technologies of the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and student in the educational process of the university
    • Brief description of the course: Pedagogical science and its place in the system of human sciences. The modern paradigm of higher education. The system of higher professional education in Kazakhstan. Methodology of pedagogical science. Professional and communicative competence of the teacher of higher education. Theory of teaching in higher education (didactics). Content of higher education. Organization of the learning process based on the credit system of education in higher education. Traditional and innovative methods and forms of organization of training. New educational technologies in higher education. Organization of independent work of students in the conditions of credit technology. Technology of compilation of teaching materials. Theory of scientific activity of higher education. NIRS. Higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation specialist. Curator in the system of higher education. Management in Higher Education.
    • The expected results:
    • To have an idea of the actual problems of pedagogical science, the essence of pedagogical activity of the university teacher and master the knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy of higher education, to master such concepts as the methodology of pedagogical science, the content of education, new educational technologies in higher education;
    • To distinguish pedagogical facts, phenomena, events from the reality surrounding them and describe them in the language of pedagogical science; explain and predict the development of pedagogical situations, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories; to design the educational process, based on new concepts of education and upbringing; to create a creative development environment in the process of education and upbringing; to develop educational-methodical and information complexes in various specialties;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in the solution of substantive tasks; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Provide information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, have different social roles in the team;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; to benefit from experience, to organize the relationship of their knowledge and to order them, to see the prospects of their own activity.
    • Name of the lecturer: Mulikova S.A.
  • Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite. Parts of speech – General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Business correspondence. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Герундий. Types of banks. Banking system. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Balance Sheet 1. Balance Sheet 2. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Final test.
    • The expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • To perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Name of the lecturer: Aubakirova G.T.
  • Name of discipline "Modern researches of the industry of tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: tourismology bases, planning and organization of tourist business.
    • The course "Modern Researches of the Industry of Tourism" is one of the main subjects of an obligatory component which studying is necessary when training masters of tourism.
    • Purpose:Main objective of a course - formation at undergraduates of modern ideas of the tourism industry as interindustry an economic complex and as branches of economy, about modern transformations of the world industry of tourism.
    • The main objectives of a course are: - acquaintance of students to system approach to studying of the industry of tourism as methodological basis of studying of internal and external relations, establishment of mechanisms of formation of steady structure of tourist recreational systems; - acquaintance to borders and structure of the modern industry of tourism, main stages of her development; acquaintance to the last transformations of the world industry of tourism, innovative concepts of tourist marketing; - acquaintance to formation problems in Kazakhstan the modern highly effective industry of tourism.
    • The expected results:
    • integrated system approach to the analysis and synthesis of components of the modern industry of tourism;
    • syntheses of experience of activity of the industry of tourism at the world, regional and national levels;
    • estimates of problems of development of the industry of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the practical analysis of the conditions and factors exerting impact on this development;
    • to be guided in materials UNWTO and other tourism organizations for use of foreign experience in the work.
    • Name of the lecturer:Mataeva B.T.
  • Organization and planning of scientific researches 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing of a master thesis
    • Purpose: To give knowledges necessary for full understanding of the role and the place of scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, essence and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, and also to create for master program's students an idea of process of standard and documentary maintenance of a scientific research.
    • Purpose: the study of basic concepts, methods and stages of research work.
    • Short description of course: the formation of a complex of knowledge about the essence, role, function of science and research and their relationship with the main stages of research activities. Theoretical ideas about science as a constantly evolving system of ideas about the world and as a necessary institution of social development will be revealed. Within the framework of this course knowledge of the nature and content, methodology and logical foundations of scientific research will be presented. It will also study the main methods of scientific research, the necessary preparations for the preparatory stage of research work, such as the collection of scientific information and research planning. In general, this course is aimed at a comprehensive study of the general theoretical and practical issues of the organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results:
    • When studying this course, the undergraduate student will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of research work, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities. The knowledge gained in the study of this course will also allow the undergraduate to observe the logical sequence of the study and comprehensively solve the goals and objectives of the study.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • "Science in national economy of Kazakhstan" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science, Macroeconomic.
    • Post-requisites: The current trends and prediction of development of the tourist market, Application-oriented touroperating
    • Purpose: To give to undergraduates of knowledge, sciences, necessary for complete understanding of institute, its purposes, tasks and functions in relation to national economy of Kazakhstan, detection of key elements of the scientific sphere, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of national economy; to create at undergraduates complex idea of current problems of functioning of a scientific sector in Kazakhstan and also developed and developing countries.
    • Short description of course: Theoretical bases of innovative development of the modern economy. The modern ideas of science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as main resource of science. Science as type of professional activity. Foreign experience of the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, European Union, Russia, Japan). Tendencies of development of a scientific sector of Kazakhstan. Correlation of science and state. Correlation of science and business. Science infrastructure. Legal regulation of scientific activities. Preparation of scientific research. Attending of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • To seize knowledge of the scientific sphere in the context of the modern concepts of social development, formation and development of science as key element of the modern market economy, interaction of science with other subsystems of national economy.
    • To be able to put into practice the gained knowledge of mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of financing of researches, standard legal support of scientific activity, organizational maintenance of scientific research.
    • With deep arguments and it is logical to prove own position concerning the applied scientific methods, drawing up and writing of scientific works, science roles in modern economy.
    • To carry out collecting and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of development of science within own position about a role of the state and business in her development, to discuss on the most burning issues of a condition of science of Kazakhstan.
    • To gain skills of the organization of independent and collective scientific research, writing of scientific works (applications, articles, projects).
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • "Methods and technologies of training at the higher school" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogics, Psychology
    • Post-attributes: student teaching
    • Purpose: to create competences of planning, development and the organization of educational process of higher education institution.
    • Short description of course: Priorities of reforming and upgrade of the higher education in Kazakhstan. Contents and forms of methodical operation of the teacher of higher education institution. Forms of the organization of training of students at the higher school. Methods and training aids in higher education institution. The modern technologies of training at the higher school.
    • The expected results: to know perspectives of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand a training technologization entity; to apply in professional activity training methods, adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of a subject matter, effective pedagogical technologies of training of specialists; to realize analitic-synthetical activities in assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training in higher education institution, a reflection of the given studies and to formulate on this basis of the inference; to represent interpretation of the positive pedagogical experience, educational and methodical materials and results of educational cognitive activity of the student in different forms of messages (helps, reports, expert opinions, mini-researches, etc.); need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Ped., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • "Basics of professional and pedagogical communication" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post requisites: pedagogical practice
    • Purpose: the formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of learning the basics of professional and pedagogical communication, arming them with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The main approaches to the description of personality, interpersonal relations, conflicts are revealed.
    • Short description of course: The historical aspect of the development of communication in folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. The development of communication problems abroad. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. Innovative teachers about pedagogical communication. The objectives of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features styles of pedagogical leadership. Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers to communication. Communication in conflict situations
    • Expected results: the undergraduate student should: show a deep knowledge of the content of the activities of the teacher in an educational institution, according to the method of organizing independent activities of students; know the method of organizing the educational process in an educational institution; be able to correctly assess the trends in the development of modern pedagogy and the practice of education
    • Full name lecturer: Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Minzhanov N. A., Ph.D. Econ., professor Klishina M. V.
  • Name of the discipline: Academic Writing (Academic Writing)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post requisites: NIRM, Master thesis
    • Purpose: to develop undergraduates the skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific information texts of various kinds, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing all this in extremely accurate and clear textual form
    • Short description of course: Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of the scientific and unscientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and letter evaluation criteria. The feasibility of assessing the letter. Technology organization of the process of writing and generating ideas. The organization of the writing process. Technology generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intellectual action. Academic text as a system. The organization of the whole text. Practice of nonlinear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactic problems of academic and scientific text
    • Expected results: Thus, as a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will be:
    • to know - the basic principles of non-linear construction of scientific (academic) text as an integrated system; - The fundamental differences of the scientific text from the journalistic and artistic; - international standards and requirements for a scientific text;be able to - use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and substantiate his own hypothesis, to formulate a thesis and build the text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • to own - technologies of generation of own ideas; - skills for constructing text based on models; - Paraphrase and quoting skills; - skills to build a coherent and coherent text; - skills to use the criteria for assessing an academic text as applied to one's own and someone else's text; - the skills to correct complex syntax and logical errors
    • Full name lecturer: Master Senior Lecturer Zhunusova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline: Academic style in the letter
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post requisites: NIRM, Master thesis
    • Purpose: to study the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and techniques of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; studying the rules for constructing scientific texts of various genres and sub-styles (actually scientific, academic, popular science, etc .; providing graduate students with practical skills for creating and editing a scientific text for publication; mastering the features of the academic tradition in a particular field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of preparation undergraduate.
    • Short description of course: Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and quoting. Culture of written scientific speech (scientific style and its substrates). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy. Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of the description and narration. The main components of a scientific article. Speech forms in a scientific text.
    • Expected results: Thus, as a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will be:
    • know:
      • features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
      • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • stylistic features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
      • regulatory documents for the preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
      • content requirements and rules for manuscripts for publication inpeer-reviewed scientific publications;
    • be able to:
      • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems;
      • follow the basic standards adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • present scientific results on the topic of the dissertation in the form of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
      • present the results of research (including dissertations) to the academic and business community;
    • own:
      • skills in analyzing major worldview and methodological problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
      • various types of communications in the implementation of work in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational tasks;
      • skills of analyzing scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
      • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Full name lecturer: Master Senior Lecturer Zhunusova A. K.
  • "Management of expenses on the enterprises of tourism and hotel economy" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business".
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entry tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: bases of theoretical knowledge and also to acquaint with practical aspects management of expenses in tourism.
    • Short description of a course: Process of management of expenses. Classification of expenses Planning and calculation of expenses. Systems and methods of calculation of expenses. Job order method of calculation of expenses. A job order method in services industry. Budget of the contract for carrying out the audit inspection
    • The expected result: to seize knowledge in the field of theoretical bases and concepts management of expenses of hotel and restaurant business; to be able to operate independently expenses of the enterprises, firms and companies in the sphere of hospitality.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N.D.
  • "Current problems of management and marketing of tourism and hospitality" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Planning and organization of tourist business", "Planning and organization of restaurant business and hotel business"
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entrance tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: to give bases of theoretical knowledge and also to acquaint with practical aspects of marketing management of processes of service of guests in hotels and restaurants
    • Short description of a course: Theoretical bases in the concept of management and marketing of restaurant business and hotel business. Organizational bases of management of restaurant. Management of technological processes. Economic bases of management and marketing of restaurant business. The business plan – a basis of restaurant business. Pricing and control of restaurant business. State and prospects of small restaurant business
    • The expected result: to seize knowledge in the field of theoretical bases and concepts of management and marketing of hotel and restaurant business; to study the factors influencing adoption of marketing decisions in the field of goods, the price, sale and advance of a product in the sphere of hospitality; by means of search, collecting, the analysis of marketing information, identification of communication communications and binding processes in the market environment and carrying out market researches to prove marketing decisions in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business; to independently be able to introduce amendments in marketing activity of the enterprises, firms and companies in the sphere of hospitality.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N.D.
  • "Strategic planning in tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theoretical and methodological problems of the industry of tourism, structure of the tourist market
    • Post-attributes: Economy of tourism, the Problem of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism
    • Purpose: To study formation of integral idea of strategic planning as a basic function a top – the manager of tourism, methodology of strategic planning, programming, design on a macrolevel of an economic unit of the tourist market.
    • Short description of course: Mastering of the main strategic planning at the level of the managing unit of the tourist market, accounting of factors of the external and internal environment of strategic activities of tourist branch.
    • The expected results: to acquire business – planning in tourism, value and components business – the plan
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zambinova G.K.
  • "Labor market economy in tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic, Economic-mathematical methods and simulation
    • Post-attributes: Economy of tourism, the Problem of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism, Technology of entrance tourism
    • Purpose: to clarify an economic entity of economy of the enterprise, the role and functions in the conditions of formation of market economy, is of Great importance in a study of course a study of legislative and instructive material concerning functioning of the enterprises. At the same time it is expedient to consider practice of activities of the enterprises in comparing, to carry search on this basis of the most effective directions, forms and methods of management of the enterprise.
    • Short description of course: to help students to seize the fundamental principles of functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of formation of market infrastructure, to impart to students on the basis of the gained knowledge skills of independent innovative thinking, to work out ability to understand different questions of business and to develop ways of their decision according to the modern requirements to development of economy, to provide formation of steady objective outlook of future experts.
    • The expected results: to acquire methods of statistical observation and the comparative analysis, mathematical models, methods of the graphics image, etc.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zambinova G.K.
  • "Corporate culture and human resource management in the tourism industry" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entry tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: to study theoretical both development of practical skills of bases of corporate culture and human resource management in the tourism industry
    • Short description of a course: The consumer in modern social and economic system. The consumer in modern concepts of management of the organization. Instruments of formation of the relations with consumers in a tour. industries. Corporate culture and its place in the resource management system a tour. organizations. Elements of formation of corporate culture and mechanism of her interaction
    • The expected results: undergraduates have to be able to provide visually information on problems of development of the industry of tourism and results of the practical analysis of the conditions and factors exerting impact on this development; undergraduates have to increase skills of independent work human resource management in the sphere of tourism.
  • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A.K.
    • Name of the discipline: Modern approaches to organizational and management activitiesPrerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
    • Post requisites: "Problems of quality management services in tourism", "Promotion of tourist product"
    • Purpose: to learn how to adjust the goals and program of action of tourist organizations, depending on the state of the market, creating competitive products.
    • Short description of course: the content and elements of the tourism enterprise management system, the types of organizational structures of the management system, the economic risk management system of the tourism enterprise, the classification and management of tour operators, Psychological aspects in the personnel management of a tourism company, international cooperation in tourism.
    • Expected results: When studying this course, the undergraduate will be able to identify the main aspects of the organization of the management of tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline: Impressions Economy
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: a systematic presentation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the problems of formation and development of the economy impressions in the tourist space, as well as the formation of a theoretical and practical knowledge base for making science-based decisions that ensure the development of the tourist industry ..
    • Short description of course: Prerequisites for the formation of the economy of impressions as a special direction of the service sector. Impressions as a subject of economic analysis. Tourist and his consumer behavior. Tourist space is the basis for the formation of tourist experiences. Tourist impression as a special tourist product. Gambling as part of the entertainment industry. Animation and its types. Animation and organizational structure of a tourist facility. Tourist animation programs. Restaurant animation. Organization of family leisure. Organization of youth leisure. Segmentation of the market of animation services.
    • Expected results: In the course of studying the discipline, future specialists form an idea of ​​the main components of the process of the economy of impressions; a set of knowledge about the tourist image is acquired, which is the basis of the economy of impressions.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • "Innovations in the tourism industry" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: to study innovations in technique, technology, economy, control and the social sphere.
    • Short description of course: innovations in technique, technology, economy, control and the social sphere. To implement an innovation of change and in other spheres. The tour operator saves time on processing of the request, accelerates tour design process, with the efficiency attracts new clients. The management system innovations meeting the requirements of branch and the market is necessary for formation of innovative strategy of the enterprises of the tourism industry and further implementation of the innovative ideas in the sphere of tourism (automation, software development, development of new types of tourism and new tourist routes, novelty in services in the sphere of hospitality, etc.).
    • The expected results: to acquire practical skills on application of animation in tourism.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Business organization in the tourism industry
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: to form professional knowledge systems for undergraduates: on the global and domestic tourism industry, the basics and features of tourism organization and tourism activities, the formation, promotion and realization of tourism products, the acquisition of organizational, economic, advertising skills, calculations of production indicators of a tourism company as part of the tourism industry ..
    • Short description of course: Introduction to the organization of tourist activities. Organizational basics of tourism. Theoretical foundations of the formation, promotion and implementation of the tourist product. Services in the tourist industry. Transport support in tourism. Tourist formalities and insurance in tourism.
    • Expected results:
    • to know:
      • organizational bases of the tourism industry, the structure of the tourism industry, features of commercial relations between participants of the tourist market, the concept, types and technologies of organizing the activities of a tour operator, a travel agent and contractors in the tourism industry,
      • features and composition of the tourist product and its constituent elements, especially the organization of tourist activities in Kazakhstan in domestic, inbound and outbound tourism;
      • structure of the tourist business and income distribution, the main economic and legal aspects of entrepreneurship and service activities;
      • basics of organizing the activities of service enterprises.
    • be able to:
      • apply information on the importance of tourism in the modern world, on the directions of the main tourist flows, tourist statistics in the practice of justifying tourist projects;
      • reasonably identify factors of competitiveness of a particular tourist product;
      • analyze the features of travel agent and tour operator activities of tourism enterprises; to carry out practically expedient selection of tourist resources in order to substantiate specific tourist projects.
    • to own:
      • skills to determine the general regulatory status of tour operator and travel agent activities, as well as a reasoned selection of various types of tourism resources, counterparty organizations and technologies for the implementation of professional tourist activities.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zambinova G. K.
  • "Formation of innovative services in the tourist industry" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: formation at undergraduates idea of innovations in tourism
    • Short description of a course: Concept of an innovation, innovative process. Management of innovative process. Research and development role in management of firm as subject of the market. Assessment of innovative projects. Overall economic efficiency of innovations. Methods of assessment of innovative projects, examination of innovative projects. Innovations in modern Kazakhstan. Analysis of a condition of the Kazakhstan economy and sphere of innovations.
    • The expected results: to acquire practical skills according to the analysis of a condition of innovative services in regional and all-republican scales; to disclose the principles and methods of implementation of activity innovative services at the professional level
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zambinova G. K.
  • «Applied touroperating » 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: formation at undergraduates representation of a basis of a touroperating.
    • Short description of a course: concept and essence of a touroperating. Reasons emergence of business of tour operators. Main differences between tour operator and travel agent. Distinctions on the system of income. Distinctions on accessory of a tourist product. Kinds of tour operators. By the form activity. Operators of the mass market. Legal basis of activity of a touroperating. Order of registration and execution of the main documents. Development of tourist's products. Relationship with suppliers: travel agents, the transport companies, hotels, the enterprises providing services of entertainment, insurance companies, the enterprises of food, etc. Signing of the contracts. Development of a tour and route. Work with clients. Advertizing activity. Formation and development of a touroperating in Kazakhstan.
    • Full name lecturer:Mataeva B.T.
  • "Problems of quality management of services in tourism" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: to study theoretical bases quality management of services in tourism and also to be able to put it into practice
    • Short description of a course: theoretical bases of the organization of sales of a tourist product, feature of realization of tours, about document flow, about use of vehicles in formation of a tourist product. features of tourist business in Kazakhstan, an order of formation of travel company, development and the choice of tourist programs, questions of relationship of travel agency with clients and competitors, staffing.
    • The expected results: to master practical skills quality management in tourism.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Service Economy
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: to develop undergraduate theoretical knowledge in the service sector of the economy.
    • Short description of coures: The concept of service economy. Post-industrial society as a theoretical construct. Modern trends in the development and management of economic systems. Public sector and public goods. Redistribution and efficiency. Formation and development of the post-industrial economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Financing and production of goods and services in the public sector. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public spending.
    • Expected Results:
    • to know:
      • The Basics of the Economy
    • To be able to:
      • apply economic theories to various areas of activity Possess: the skills of collecting and preparing analytical data on areas of the economy
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • "Advance of a tourist product" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: to study specifics and features of a tourist product in the conditions of the market
    • Short description of a course: specifics of a tourist product, feature of a product, feature of evolution of the tourist industry, change in public psychology of consumption of tourist services consumer behavior of their consumer and also regularity and border of use of marketing tools in the tourist industry in the light of their influence on technologies of sales.
    • The expected results: to master practical skills on advance a tour. product on the market of services.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline "Current trends and forecasting the development of the tourist market" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Basics of Tourism", "Planning and Organization in Tourism"Post requisites: writing of master's theses
    • Objective: to be able to analyze the development of the tourist market
    • Short description of course: Stage and cyclical development of the market of tourist services, a modern model of the global market of tourist services. The creation of a highly efficient tourist product as a factor in the formation of a competitive market for tourist services. Analysis of tourist needs, supply and demand. Forecasting the development of the market for rural and ecological tourism. Forecasting the development of the business travel market.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
  • Name of the discipline: Recreational planning and design of tourist destinations
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Post requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: in-depth study of the recreational potential and design of tourist destinations
    • Short description of course: Cultural tourism for peace and development. Tourist management of World Cultural Heritage sites. Sociology of tourist destinations. Economy of tourist destinations. Entrepreneurship and small business in tourist destinations.
    • Expected results: to know and understand the role of recreational planning and design of tourism business
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
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