• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program: Bachelor of tourism specialty 5B090200 "Tourism"
    The degree and duration Single degree (same University)(240 ECTS – credits/ 129 KAZ. credits)
    University Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Quality Assurance (IQA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    The validity of This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for individuals receiving degrees from the University in 2016
    Level CU for EHEA (Qualifications framework for the European higher education area): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualification framework: level 6; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this undergraduate program is to provide educational services of higher professional education that enables graduates to successfully work in the field of tourism and hospitality; to have a common cultural and professional competencies, promote social mobility and demand on the labour market. the formation and development of graduates ' socio-personal qualities – dedication, organization, hard work, responsibility, citizenship, commitment to ethical values, communicative, tolerance, ability to work in a team.
  • B) Feature
    • 1.Discipline/subject
    • The main disciplines of the PD database is OK and the basic elective courses of the profile:Technique and tactics of active types of tourismEkskursovodovThe basics of "turyzmolohiya"The history of tourism Tourism managementMarketing tourismThe geography of international tourismTour operating The tourism infrastructurePlanning and organization of tourism businessService standards and quality management services in the tourism and hospitality industryPromotional activities in the tourism and hospitality industryGeographyOrganization of entertainment leisure in tourism and hospitality Processing of visa documents
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • Tourism and hospitality
    • 3.Direction
    • Services
    • 4.Features
    • I. organization of the educational practice: 1 course – training hike on the base of the Ile-Alatau National Park (Almaty), the State National Natural Park (Karkaralinsk);3rd year students of specialty "Tourism" practical training abroad (Hungary, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation etc.).II. International academic mobility: The possibility of teaching students who speak a foreign language during the academic semester abroad (Hungary, Malaysia, Russian Federation, etc.). III. The students of the specialty 5B090200 "Tourism" participate in international and national competitions on tourism.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • A graduate 5V090200 "Tourism" can work:
      • in the state administration bodies related to the organization of tourism;
      • consulting companies tourist profile;
      • at the enterprises of tourism infrastructure: travel Agency, airline Agency, hotel complexes, sanatorium-preventorium, museums;
      • in marketing services of tourist enterprises;
      • in educational institutions, leading to the preparation of specialists in tourism;
      • in the research organizations studying the problems of tourism development;
      • in advertising agencies engaged in the promotion of tourism services in domestic and foreign market.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and learning
    • The use of methodological innovations associated with the use of active and interactive forms and methods of training, as well as the use of practice-oriented approach, for example, conducting master-classes with the participation of practitioners, the organization of training sessions with visiting of the enterprises of the industry of tourism and hospitality etc.In the framework of international practice on the 3rd course organized travel abroad on a predetermined route (learning in practice tourism abroad and preparation of a group project for the organization of tourist business in the host country).
    • 2.Methods of evaluation
    • Oral questioning, written methods of control, testing, exam, reports on passage of training practice (training trips and international practice), production and predegree the practician; plus.
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competencies
    • The program meets the requirements of State educational standards of Higher education. Bachelor. for quality assurance of academic programmes at the first level of the cycle.This includes General competencies (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see the web site http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080).
    • The following competencies represent the combined and the most relevant competencies for this program:
    • OK1 - to have basic knowledge in the field of science (social, humanitarian, economic) disciplines that contribute to the formation of highly educated personality with a broad Outlook and culture of thinking.
    • OK 2 - have the skills of handling modern technology to be able to use information technology in professional activities.
    • OK 3 - master the skill of acquiring new knowledge needed for the everyday professional activity and to continue education in magistracy.
    • OK 4 - to know the socio-ethical values, based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and focus on them in their professional activities.
    • OK 5 - know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; to abide by business ethics, to possess ethical and legal standards of conduct.
    • OK 6 - to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan; be tolerant of the traditions and cultures of other peoples of the world.
    • OK 7 - know the trends of social development; be able to adequately navigate the various social situations.
    • OK 8 - be able to work in a team, correctly defend their point of view, to propose new solutions; to be able to find compromises, to relate their opinion with the opinion of the team: to strive for professional and personal growth.
    • OK 9 - should have the basics of economic knowledge, have scientific knowledge about management, marketing, Finance etc.; to know and understand the purpose and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy.
    • OK 10 - be able to navigate in today's information flows and to adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the world economy; to be flexible and mobile in different environments and situations related to professional activities; to own skills of action by the economic and institutional conditions of uncertainty and risk.
    • OK 11 - able to analyse and understand philosophical problems from the scientific viewpoint, to master cultural wealth, logically and reasonably right to think and the right to build oral and written speech.
    • OK 12 - to be able to self-knowledge, a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses, to moral and physical self-improvement, to high motivation of their professional and civic engagement.
    • OK 13 - able to analyze socially significant problems and processes and use in practice methods of humanitarian, social and economic Sciences in different types of social and professional activities.
    • OK 14 - to be able to professional written and verbal communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; knowledge of foreign language at the level necessary to perform professional tasks.
    • OK 15 - should be able to Express and justify its position on methods of problem solving.
    • 2.Specific expertise:
    • PC 1 - knowledge of the main stages of evolution of management thought.
    • PC 2 - the ability to design an organizational structure to carry out the distribution of powers and responsibilities on the basis of their delegation.
    • PC 3 - willingness to develop procedures and methods of control.
    • PC 4 - ability to use basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve management problems.
    • PC 5 - ability to effectively organize group work based on the knowledge of group dynamics and principles of team formation.
    • PC 6 - to know the different ways of conflict resolution.
    • PC 7 - the ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications.
    • PC 8 - the ability to assess the conditions and consequences of take organizational and management decisions.
    • PC 9 - the ability to analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies with the aim of training a balanced managerial decisions.
    • PC 10 - the ability to participate in the development of the marketing strategy of organizations to plan and implement activities aimed at implementation.
    • PC 11 - ability to use basic methods of financial management for the valuation of assets, working capital management, decision-making on financing, formation of dividend policy and capital structure.
    • PC 12 - ability to evaluate the impact of investment decisions and financing solutions to increase the value (cost) of the company.
    • PC 13 - capacity to participate in development of strategy of human resource management of organizations of tourism, to plan and carry out activities aimed at its implementation.
    • PC 14 - to master modern technologies of personnel management.
    • PC 15 - willingness to participate in developing the organization's strategy, using tools of strategic management.
    • PC 16 - the ability to consider aspects of corporate social responsibility in the development and implementation of the strategy of the organization of tourism.
    • PC 17 - willingness to participate in implementation of programs of organizational change, the ability to overcome local resistance to change.
    • PC 18 - know the methods of making strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations of tourism.
    • PC 19 - the ability to plan operating (production) activities of organizations in the industry of tourism and hospitality.
    • PC 20 - know the methods of project management and willingness to implement them using modern software.
    • PC 21 - the willingness to participate in implementation of technological and product innovations in tourism.
    • PC 22 ability to analyze the behavior of consumers of services and demand generation.
    • PC 23 - knowledge of economic bases of conduct of organizations to have an idea about the different market structures and the ability to analyze the competitive environment of the tourism industry.
    • PC 24 - to master a second foreign language at a level that ensures effective professional activities in the tourism business.
    • PC 25 - the willingness to use optimal technological processes in the enterprises of the industry of tourism and hospitality, including in accordance with the requirements of the consumer.
    • PC 26 - the ability to apply, adapt and develop modern technologies of tourist activity.
    • PC 27 - the willingness to effectively apply the regulatory and technical documentation regulating tourism activity.
    • PC 28 - the willingness to master the theoretical foundations of design of the functional processes of enterprises of tourism on the basis of application of modern technologies and design methods.
    • PC 29 - the willingness to use applied methods research activities in the field of formation and promotion of tourism products, corresponding to requirements of consumers.
    • PC 30 - the willingness to use innovative technologies in the activities of tourism enterprises and new forms of customer service.
    • PC 31 - willingness to learn theoretical bases of designing of functional processes of tourism enterprises on the basis of application of modern technologies and design methods.
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In the context of student professional practice in the work of the organization, as well as with the client, the graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      • forming a database of tours and tour operators;
      • to participate in the promotion of the tourism product to increase sales;
      • to implement selection and booking optimal option of the route and fare of flights/journey according to customer needs;
      • to execute orders for various types of services related to the tour;
      • to carry out the rebooking, cancellation and refund discharged air/railway ticket;
      • to make a reservation of hotel rooms;
      • strategic planning of enterprise activity;
      • to develop the tour program;
      • develop different types of tours for inbound and domestic tourism;
      • be able to conduct tours;
      • carry out tour support individual and group tourists;
      • to conduct various types of tours;
      • be able to organize tourist trips;
      • analyze the tourist market;
      • be able to work and communicate effectively with the client.
  • Characteristics of the discipline
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology of tourist activity", "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in tourism"
    • Taught course"Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality is a relevant part of the professional training of a future specialist in the sphere of tourism and hospitality.
    • The purpose of teaching "Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality" is the study of the theoretical foundations of tourism as a specific type of leisure activities, consideration of the role and importance of tourist activities in the history of the development of cultural and leisure activities.
    • Tasks:
      • develop understanding of the regularities of origin and development of tourist activities;
      • to create understanding of leisure and its organizational forms;
    • to study the nature of animation and its types;
      • to examine the entertainment industry in the sphere of tourism;
      • to study the organization of work for the animation team in a tourist complex.
    • As a result of studying discipline the student should:
      • to know the history of the formation of cultural and leisure activities;
      • to gain knowledge about the mechanism of implementation of cultural and creative potential of leisure;
      • to acquire skills of drawing up of animated programs for individual tourists and groups of tourists.
    • Post-requisites: "Professional and business communication in tourism"
    • Learning outcomes (competences):
    • know the characteristics of the organization of leisure activities in the field of tourism and hospitality;
    • to learn concepts such as entertainment, animation, gambling,
    • to carry out analytical work in the evaluation of animation programs;
    • know the history of the formation of cultural and leisure activities;
    • to the knowledge of the mechanism of implementation of cultural and creative potential of leisure;
    • to Acquire skills of drawing up of animated programs for individual tourists and groups of tourists.
    • The methodology of the discipline: "Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality” is determined by its characteristics and purpose of the study. In this connection, it is expedient to use methods of training, i.e. to the formation of special knowledge, abilities, skills: situational tasks, a method of detecting errors, project method, case study, open and closed tests.
  • Characteristics of the discipline
    • Prerequisites: "Restaurant and hotel industry", "infrastructure of restaurant business and hotel industry", "management of restaurant business and hotel industry".
    • Modern hotel and restaurant business occupies an important place in the economic sphere of the country and helps to meet the primary needs of travelers in accommodation and food. In this regard, for a full amount of knowledge students need a comprehensive understanding of the hotel business.
    • The purpose of teaching is to form students ' holistic view of the hotel business, to consider the factors of development of the tourism industry and its component-the hotel business in some countries and regions of the world.
    • Objectives of the discipline:
    • presentation of the basics of the formation of international standards and the state system of classification of hotels;
      • to develop knowledge about the main functions of hotel and restaurant services and standards of service in the hospitality sector;
      • to form knowledge about the principles of HR and revenue management in the hotel business;
      • to form skills of work on information systems of restaurant and hotel business.
    • During the learning of the program of the course "restaurant and hotel business" students will consider the theoretical and applied problems of the restaurant and hotel business, and hospitality in General, get acquainted with the basic principles and functions of planning and organization of the restaurant and hotel business, will form practical skills and knowledge application in their future professional activities.
    • Post-requisites: "Planning and organization of restaurant business and hotel business", "Fundamentals of restaurant business."
    • Learning outcome:
    • To Master the theoretical foundations of the restaurant and hotel business
    • Know the evolution of the hospitality industry, the elements of the hotel product, the characteristics of hotels as a management object, the classification of hotels;
    • To Master the most important concepts of hotel services, issues of management of service processes at the enterprises of food, quality and culture of service, the scheme of management of personnel of hotels, as well as the technology of decision-making and implementation of management decisions
    • Learn how to describe the activities of all departments of the modern hotel (reception, room Fund, catering, security, financial Department, engineering and technical service, etc.).);
    • To be Able to analyze the current state of the global hotel business, to conduct financial control in hotels.
      • Methodology of the discipline: The theoretical basis of the discipline are the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of hotel and restaurant business, modern economic, organizational and social problems of development of the communication sphere. In this regard, it is advisable to use teaching methods, i.e. aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills: situational tasks, the method of group projects, the method of projects, methods of control.
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ