The National Scientific, Practical, Educational and Health Foundation "Bobek" in April 2023 held a contest "The Best Student of the CIS-2023", which highlighted the outstanding achievements of young people in education and science.
According to the results of the competition, a 3rd-year student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz OP "Design and Innovation Management" Kim Ksenia Andreevna was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree and a medal for outstanding achievements in her academic and scientific activities. The student's scientific achievements will be published in an international book publication among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek". Scientific supervisor – D.M. Salauatova, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation.
The competition for the title of "Best Student-2023" is a highly competitive event, during which outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities and contributions to the university community are celebrated.
We congratulate you and wish you further scientific and creative achievements!


Students met with a well-known entrepreneur

Students met with a well-known entrepreneur

On October 03, 2023, Aizat Alkenov, an entrepreneur, co-owner of the Belady chain of stores, visited our university. Belady is a large chain of women's clothing and accessories stores, has 6 stores in Kazakhstan.

Aizat Alkenov shared with the audience of students the history of his formation as an entrepreneur, the experience of forming initial capital, the features of implemented business projects, examples of entrepreneurial risks that he had to face.

Also attended an open class of PhD doctor, associate professor Salauatova D.M. in the discipline "Entrepreneurship". Since the final work of the students in the discipline "Entrepreneurship" is the development and protection of a business project in the chosen direction, they were active and asked practical questions and consulted on their topics, as well as interested in the current trends in the field of entrepreneurship.

It was useful for students to listen to a speaker who spoke about his business experience.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

On September 24-30 the director of NIIEPI Khanov T.A. and the head of the grant project AP 19676691 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK Bashirov A.V. visited St. Petersburg State University of Economics. During the visit meetings with the faculty of the university were held, questionnaires and interviewing of experts were conducted.

Meetings were organized with the head of the Department for the development of youth scientific research SPbSEU Androsenko N.V., the head of the department of organizing competitions and Olympiads of students Kolbina A.D., the head of the department of coordination of scientific activities of students. A.A. Tryapitsina, head of the department of coordination of scientific activity of students, discussed problematic issues of the organization of research and development activities

We would like to emphasize the importance of the meeting with the Director of the Institute of Economic Security, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Law, Head of the Department of Economic Security of SPbSEU Dronov R.V., Associate Professor Grafov A.A., staff of the above-mentioned Institute and faculty of the Department.

Russian colleagues published information about our visit.

Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues!

You create the future of our students, inspire them to pursue knowledge and development, give them skills that will help them to become successful and valuable members of our society. Your work and dedication leave an indelible mark on their lives.
May this day be filled with pleasant surprises, joy and gratitude from your students. We wish you health, boundless energy and many more years of successful teaching!
Thank you for your important contribution to the future of our country!

Yours faithfully,

University Administration


Experience, practice and development of professional competencies

Experience, practice and development of professional competencies

The University strives in every possible way to enable students to acquire the most valuable thing for employment in the future – work experience in the specialty. Practical orientation is the main feature of modern education today

Field practical classes as an active form allows the student to realize the theoretical knowledge gained in lecture classes.

On September 27, 2023, a field lesson was organized for students of the Marketing educational program at the Bacchus Auto Center, which is an official dealer of Chevrolet, LADA, Kia, JAC, JETOUR and has been operating on the market for more than 17 years.

The purpose of the field session was to study the practical application of modern marketing tools and technologies in the activities of domestic companies.

The first deputy General Director of the Bacchus Auto Center, Kosman Yergabilevich Imanbayev, introduced the students to the company's marketing policy, market trends, channels for promoting the products offered, loyalty programs and strategies used.

He clearly demonstrated the work of the CRM system, which is necessary for maintaining a customer base, automating sales and working with transactions. 

The meeting was held in the format of an interview, the students were satisfied, having received answers to their questions from a professional in their field.

Conducting field classes for students in specialized organizations contributes to the expansion of the acquired knowledge in practice and the formation of the worldview of the future specialist.

Day of tourism at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Day of tourism at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

World Tourism Day is celebrated all over the world on September 27. It was established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 1979 in the Spanish city of Torremolino.

On this day, it is customary to hold various sports tourism competitions. As part of the World Tourism Day, competitions in tourist sports were organized and held at our university. 4 teams took part in the competition. Students identified the strongest in such disciplines as: assembling, disassembling a tent, putting in a sleeping bag, transporting a wounded person, crossing a river, overcoming obstacles, logic tasks.

According to the results of the competition , the places were distributed as follows:

Grand Prix – Tulpar team;

1st place – the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" team;

2nd place – the Jade Five team;

3rd place – Obana team.

The event received good reviews and feedback from students. The participants showed keen interest, skill, zeal and will to win. The organizers of the event in honor of the Day of Tourism were: the Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Management.

Congratulations to all participants on the successful completion of all stages of the competition!


Day of tourism at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Youth transport forum "KAZLOGISTICS" in almaty.

Youth transport forum "KAZLOGISTICS" in almaty.

On September 21-22, 2023, Almaty hosted the X anniversary Youth Forum of transport workers "KAZLOGISTICS".

On the first day (September 21), sports events in mini–football, table tennis, and chess were held within the framework of the Youth Forum.

The team of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in sports competitions for the first time. In the individual competition, the first-year student Zhansaya Nurlan kyzy played tennis without defeats. But the game of the players of KARA Kazpotrebsoyuz turned out to be especially bright, in a series of exciting and difficult games, our team, having entered the playoff, only lost the game in a penalty shootout and took the honorable 5th place (out of 12 teams). But the player Karu -Nigmatzyanov Emil was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the Youth Forum

On the second day (September 22), more than 100 students of Kazakhstan took part in a case-solving competition on the topic "Regional opportunities of multimodal transportation in Kazakhstan for the development of the Middle Corridor" and participated in master classes from international and regional transport industry specialists.

Our guys Aman Ospanov, Elizaveta Panchenko, Vyacheslav Garanin, Marcel Saidulaev showed the best presentation of the day, took 4 places (out of 12 teams) and were honored with a separate encouragement from the General Director of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS" Mr. E.S. Absatov.

The Forum was attended by the Academy of Civil Aviation, Almaty Management University, Satbayev University, the Academy of Logistics and Transport, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakh-German University, Kenzhegali Sagadiev University of International Business, Turan University, L.Goncharov Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy, Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda University, KazNAU, International Transport- humanities university.

We express our great gratitude to the rector of the University-Prof. Aimagambetova E.B. for moral and material support of university students.


Meeting with Sergey Perov, Head of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region

Meeting with Sergey Perov, Head of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region

A meeting was held with the head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region Sergey Perov at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the teaching staff and students of the university. The meeting was held in the format of discussion and exchange of views. During the speech, the head of the Department assessed the material and technical base of the university, then spoke about the activities of the Department, voiced cases on solved problems of citizens with the participation of the Anti-Corruption Service. Deputy Head of the Prevention Department A.Myngishev provided information on the implementation of Anti-Corruption policy in the region. At the end of the meeting, Asylbekova Leyla Umurzakovna, Director of the International Academy of Competence Development LLP, conducted a Leadership training, which voiced the main competencies for a civil service employee.

Fair of Student organizations: the way to creative development.

Fair of Student organizations: the way to creative development.

A fair of student organizations Qosyl was held in the lobby of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The fair is exactly the kind of event that attracts the attention of active and ambitious students of the entire university.
This year the fair exceeded all expectations, becoming a real festival of color and creativity. The organizers created a bright atmosphere that attracted the eyes of first-year students.
The main goal was to provide an opportunity to learn more about the existing clubs, circles and projects available at the university. Such an event also helps new students to integrate into the university community and find their "family".
In total, more than 25 student organizations were represented at the fair. Each organization welcomed the guests with special warmth and tried to present their bright achievements and even prepared delicious treats.
The fair of student organizations was fun, exciting and informative. First-year students choose their favorite classes and meet new friends. The start of student life is given! We wish all students not to waste time in vain, to be active, creative and resourceful!

Seminar "Using the SPSS Software Package in Scientific Research"

Seminar "Using the SPSS Software Package in Scientific Research"

On September 18, 2023, within the framework of the AP grant project 19676691, a seminar on the use of the SPSS software package in the processing and analysis of scientific research was held. Participants of the research team were familiarized with the functions and capabilities of the SPSS software package, which is a multifunctional tool for statistical data analysis.

All members of the research team were present at the seminar:

-project leader Bashirov A.V.;

-Director of NIIEPI Khanov T.A.;

-professor of the department, Dr. N. Golovacheva V.N.;

- Head of the Department of FKSM Syrymbetova L.S.;

-director of department Garipova A.A.;

-director of the department Glazunova S.B.;

- Head of IT analytics service Smirnov L.S.;

-staff teacher Tapenova G.S.;

-specialist of NIIEPI Zhaekbaeva B.H.;

-magistrate Borisov A.A.

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz supports the initiatives of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz supports the initiatives of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On September 14, 2023, a round table was held at the university to discuss the Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "The Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan".

In his Message, the Head of state elaborated on the vision of how it is necessary to realize the progressive movement towards the designated goal.

The round table was attended by representatives of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim", the director of the Research Center, the teaching staff of the university.

Following the results of the round table, an important conclusion was made that We, the faculty, administrative staff of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz support the Message of the President of the country and are ready to educate the younger generation with qualities such as patriotism, education, hard work, discipline, responsibility and justice, contributing to their successful future development.

The implementation of the program document will improve the lives of all Kazakhstanis. At the end of the round table, the participants of the meeting exchanged views on the further implementation of the tasks set by the President of the country.

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz supports the initiatives of the Message of the President of the Republic of KazakhstanKaraganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz supports the initiatives of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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