Round table with employers

Round table with employersMay 11, 2018 the chairs of the Economic Theory and the SLG and the International Economy and International Relations held a round table with employers on the topic "Actual problems of professional training of students in specialties" State and Local Administration ",
" World Economy "and" International Relations ".
The round table was attended by the department for coordination of issues of construction, architecture and land relations of the apparatus of the akim of the city of Karaganda; Business development department of JSC Zhilstroysberbank Kazakhstan; "The apparatus of the Akim of the Kazbekbi district of the city of Karaganda"; "Management of land relations of the Karaganda region", etc.
The main objectives and objectives of the round table: Ensuring direct contact of students with employers, in order to obtain an objective assessment of the state and trends of labor market development at the present stage.
The outcome of the meeting was discussion and approval of the recommendations and proposals of the round table.

Sensation or regularity?

Sensation or regularity?May 8, 2018, the traditional track and field athletics relay took place for the prizes of the regional newspaper "Industrial Karaganda", dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory.
It happened that the students and the faculty of our university were eagerly awaiting. Persistently and consistently we went to this cherished goal - to become the winners of this prestigious relay race. Starting from the second stage, the team of young men confidently took the lead among the strongest high school teams in the city of Karaganda. The advantage of our guys grew from stage to stage, a break from the strong national team of KarSU. E.A. Buketov was up to 80 meters.
And when the last master of the baton was the master of sports of the international class of Kazakhstan in speed skating, the participant of the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, the bronze medalist of the World Student Competitions (Minsk, March 2018) Artem Krikunov from numerous Karaganda residents who went to the streets of South- East there was no doubt they witnessed the birth of sensation, for the first time students of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz become winners-champions, confidently leaving behind the team of the KarSUnamed after E.A. Buketov. An invaluable contribution to the victory of our team was made by masters of sports Grigoryev Vyacheslav, Zems Vyacheslav, Palkin Stanislav.
We were supported by our young men and girls of the university, who won bronze medals for the second year in a row. The entire staff of the university with glee and pride took the triumph of our students.
Well done! Keep it up!

The round table and an exhibition entitled “Project: 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”.

The round table and an exhibition entitled “Project: 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”.

On May 11, 2018, in a single day of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan to discuss the project "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language" in Karaganda Economic University held by the Department of Social Work and the APK and the library held a round table and an exhibition entitled "Project: 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language ".
Speakers made speeches:
1. Pro-rector for Social Work, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K.Zh.
2. Ph.D., Professor of the Chair of the SWandAPK Klishina M.V.
3. Director of the library master's degree, senior lecturer Zhabaeva G.N.
Proceeding from the words of the President that "our social and humanitarian knowledge has been conserved for many years in the framework of one exercise and within the framework of one glance at the world". Now "we need not just engineers and doctors, but also people who understand modernity and the future", the first 18 books translated and published within the framework of the project "100 best textbooks of the world in the Kazakh language", which were presented on April 12 in Astana, were described. Speakers gave a description of the research activities of world-famous textbook authors and revealed a brief content of those that have already been translated into the Kazakh language, in particular, 4 books on philosophy, 2 books on sociology and linguistics; 3 books on psychology; 1 book on religious studies, culturology, anthropology and journalism, as well as books on entrepreneurship, economics and management.
During the round table, the undergraduates and students were asked questions to the speakers about the timing of the transfer of other books and the possibility of using translated books. The director of the library informed the audience about the receipt of books in the current month and the possibility of using them in the educational process in the next academic year.


Subject Olympiad in Physics and Chemistry "The Best Physicist" "The Best Chemist"

Subject Olympiad in Physics and Chemistry "The Best Physicist" "The Best Chemist"Department of Commodity Science and Certification held May 4, 2013, the subject Olympiad in Physics and Chemistry "The Best Physicist" "The best chemist." The Olympiad was attended by pupils of final classes of schools in the city of Karaganda. According to the results of the Olympiad, the participant will receive a discount for training in the 2018-2019 academic year, for 2-3 places participants will receive diplomas.

The winners of the contest «The Best student-2018» Kanatuly Zhanaidar and Garifullina Asiya

The winners of the contest «The Best student-2018» Kanatuly Zhanaidar and Garifullina Asiya

Annually in our country the Republican competition «The Best student of the year» is held, the organizer of which is the public Fund «Bridges of consent». It was attended by hundreds of the best students of all universities of Kazakhstan. At the competition, students presented their portfolio with their achievements in educational and social activities.
On April 27, 2018 in Astana the names of the best representatives of talented students were named. Among them, students of the faculty of Business and law of Karaganda economic University:
Kanatuly Zhanaidar, 3rd year student of specialty «Basics of law and economics» of Karaganda Economic University, winner of the scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan;
Garifullina Asiya, 1st year student of specialty «Jurisprudence».
Kanatuly Zhanaidar and Garifullina Asiya awarded the medal «The Best student - 2018», their biography and accomplishments are featured in the book «Zhas Kyran». One of the authors of the Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandarbek Malibekov presented awards to the best students.
Congratulations for Zhanaidar and Asia with deserved award and wish them every success and creative successes! Special thanks to the parents of our students!



"EXTREMISM IS A THREAT TO SOCIETY"On April 25, 2018, the faculty of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages organized a conversation on the topic: "Extremism is a threat to society" with the invitation of the representative of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region, the head of the monitoring department of the information and analytical work, G.B. Dalabayeva.. In groups: WE-12, IR-12, WE-22, IR-32, IR-33, IR-21к, IR-31к. In the meeting students received information concerning the current situation with religious extremism and terrorism in the country and in the world..



We congratulate students gr. WE-12 Urazshaev A. on the 1 st place and Sovetova K AA-32 in the Interuniversity competition on polylingualism “KSTU Speller 2018”, which took place on April 20, 2018 in
Karaganda State Tecyhnical University.


The participants of the project THE CACTLE conducted training courses on the topic: "Beginning Entrepreneur" for undergraduate students

The participants of the project THE CACTLE conducted training courses on the topic: "Beginning Entrepreneur" for undergraduate studentsOn 10-12 of April, 2018 had organized coaching of the topic "Beginning Entrepreneur" in KEUK which had conducted by the c.e.s., associate professor N. A.Ulakov and master, senior teacher Syzdykbekov E.S. for the students from 1-4 courses. This course had aimed for those who wish to open their own business, has an average level of knowledge in the field of economy, finance, business planning and entrepreneurship.
At the result of coaching, 24 undergraduate students received valuable prizes and certificates for participation.

Training of a foreign IT specialist

Training of a foreign IT specialist

On 25th of April 2018 students of the specialties of the ICS chair visited the training of the Senior Resource Development Manager of the Company "EPAM" (Minsk, Belarus) Evgeniy Peshkur on the topic "Modern IT market and why we are that we are".
EPAM is the world's largest producer of custom software, a consulting specialist, resident of the Belarusian High-Tech Park. During the training the students got acquainted with the main trends and movements in the development of the modern IT market, which undoubtedly will help them in choosing the direction in designing course and diploma projects, as well as in developing research projects, start-ups and ideas.


CONGRATULATIONS !!! We congratulate students : gr. WE-22 Iskakovа Sh., gr. IR-21k Babenovа A, gr. Tur31k Sanaubaev B., gr. TFP-12 Korneyev A. on the 2nd place in the regional Polylingual Olympiad, which took place on April 20, 2018 in
Karaganda State Medical University.

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