This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of the page is the responsibility of the author and may not reflect the point of view of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this page.
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The goals of the functioning of the Entrepreneur Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) are:
- improvement of the educational process based on strengthening the relations of departments with public administration bodies, commercial and non-profit organizations,
- attracting highly qualified teachers and practitioners from the fields of science and business,
- increasing the efficiency of the use of scientific, pedagogical, and production personnel, educational, scientific, and production capacities to improve the process of professional training of students, undergraduates, and doctoral students based on the integration of science, education, and production.
To achieve these goals, the Center's activities are aimed at solving the following tasks:
1 improving the organization of the educational process, strengthening the practical training of students, undergraduates, and PhD-students through the development of strategic partnerships with enterprises, and organizations;
2 coordination of joint activities of all those willing to participate in the implementation of the educational program, including its member organizations (institutional structures) and enterprises for the training, retraining, and professional development of specialists ;
3 Support in improving the efficiency of educational and research work and the implementation of their results in production;
4 development of the research work in the field of activity of departments with the involvement of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, and university teachers;
5 organization and conducting of practical training for the purpose of vocational guidance of students, and assistance in the employment of graduates.
1 The Center performs the following main functions:
1.1 involvement of leading practitioners in the organization of the educational process to strengthen its applied orientation;
1.2 organizes and conducts master classes, platinum lectures, business training, and group consultations with students, and undergraduates;
1.3 conducts individual classes with students, undergraduates;
1.4 organizes review and consulting meetings with interested parties on the content of educational materials ;
1.5 participates in the work of the State classification board;
1.6 conducts professional orientation activities for applicants at all levels of education (bachelor's degree master's degree-PhD);
1.7 organizes internships for students, and undergraduates in specialized organizations;
1.8 attracts students, undergraduates, PhD-students, and teachers to the implementation of research and applied analytical projects;
1.9 organizes scientific seminars, round tables, and conferences, preparation of joint scientific publications: monographs, articles, textbooks, and workshops.
2 The main functions of the department implementing the Master's degree educational program (hereinafter: graduating department, department) in the work of the Center:
2.1 coordinates and organizes training sessions in the divisions of the enterprise (workshops, departments, and others) or organizations;
2.2 organizes the execution of course works, diploma projects (works) master's theses and projects (scientific and pedagogical and specialized areas), scientific work of students on topics related to the solution of research, experimental and production tasks facing the enterprise (organization);
2.3 carries out work on the implementation of the main provisions of the studied topic of students in the activities of enterprises (organizations, institutions) (acts of implementation);
2.4 conducts career guidance work among employees of enterprises (organizations) for admission to Master's degree and specialized Doctor’s degrees;
2.5 organizes field classes at enterprises for schoolchildren and students at fixed schools and colleges;
2.6 directs the teaching staff of the department to enterprises (organizations) to give lectures and conduct master classes, seminars, and training;
2.7 carries out work on the introduction of author courses by teachers of the department based on the results of industrial internships on the basis of enterprises (organizations);
2.8 performs research and experimental production work on the subject of the enterprise (organization) on a contractual basis;
2.9 invites experienced specialists of the enterprise (organization) to participate in the educational process on a part-time basis and hourly wage, as well as in work of scientific seminars;
2.10 according to the orders of the enterprise (organization) trains students and undergraduates to work on it after graduation;
2.11 organizes the preparation of joint scientific publications of specialists of the enterprise (employees of the organization) and teaching staff of the department.
3 Functions of the enterprise (organization) that is part of the Center:
3.1 organization and conducting of professional practice of undergraduates and doctoral students on the basis of partner enterprises;
3.2 organization and conducting of scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students on the basis of partner enterprises;
3.4 carrying out of custom theme from partner companies within the framework of research of undergraduates and their dissertations/projects;
3.5 participation of partner enterprises in the design, review, and approval of educational programs, curricula, and programs, catalogs of elective disciplines, themes of dissertations, and projects in the specialties of master's and doctoral studies implemented at KarUK;
3.6 implementation of the results of scientific/experimental research work of undergraduates and doctoral students in the activities of partner enterprises;
3.7 participation of partner enterprises as members of State classification board in Master's degree specialties;
3.8 other forms of cooperation related to the educational and scientific activities of undergraduates and doctoral students of the university;
3.9 participation in the development of professional competencies of graduates;
participation in the QS survey for the university rating;
3.10 sending of leading production specialists in accordance with the established procedure for conducting the educational process and participating in research activities according to joint plans and programs;
3.11 allocation of premises for the organization of a branch of the university department for conducting training sessions, as well as the assignment of employees of the enterprise to students and undergraduates during their professional practice;
3.12 reviewing and approving themes of course works, diploma, master's projects, and research activities and reviewing the works performed by students on the assignment of the enterprise;
3.13 participation in updating and examination of the content of curricula, and individual disciplines of the educational program (including the introduction of practice-oriented elective courses) to strengthen their practical orientation;
3.14 providing the opportunity for industrial internships by teachers of the department;
3.15 assistance in conducting excursions and familiarization with the production process at the enterprise for schoolchildren and students at the assigned schools and colleges of the department.
1 The center can be created in two ways: the Center as a new structural unit and the Center on the basis of a previously existing center (coworking, career, employment, etc.).
The first method is advisable for those universities that did not have similar structural units before. The second method is more suitable for universities that have already established large career centers, employment centers, Additional Education Centers, Competence Development Centers, or other structures that perform a significant part of the functions related to the business environment.
2 The creation of the Center in CA partner universities will take place in accordance with the model developed within the framework of the MIETC project and the Standard Regulations of the Center. At the same time, the specifics, profile, and needs of each university, as well as the requests of employers and the requirements of academic committees should be taken into account.
3 Structurally, the Center may include the head of the center, offices, managers, tutors, instructors, and coaches. It can involve tutors, instructors, coaches, and other categories of specialists by contract.
4 The structure and staff of the Center of each specific university are determined by the staffing of the university and approved by the Rector. Functional duties, rights, responsibilities, and working conditions of each category of employees should be reflected in job descriptions approved by the Rector of the university.
5 The integration of the Center at the institutional level will manifest itself through the creation of new connections, the redistribution of authorities and responsibilities, and structural (merger, division), and personnel (assignment, reassignment) changes in other departments.
6 The Center closely cooperates with departments and faculties and also participates in various forms of integration of the university with the business environment (business incubators, coworking centers, educational, scientific, and production complexes, etc.) on the development of professional competencies.
1 Internal funds of the institution/organization on the basis of which the Center was established and operates, and the balance of which includes the remuneration of the Center's staff;
2 Funds received in the form of sponsorship from interested parties;
3 Funds of various foundations offering and organizing competitions of entrepreneurial projects, etc.;
4 Funds received from organizing and conducting professional development courses, and other image events aimed at popularizing the activities of the Center;
5 Funds of regional institutions for the development and support of entrepreneurship;
6 Customer funds for research and development in the field of technological entrepreneurship;
7 Funds gained from participation in grant topics and projects initiated by the relevant Ministries of the country.
1 Internal assessment (self-assessment):
1.1 The Center carries out regular monitoring and analysis of its activities, and provides revision of training programs, courses, and other products of its activities, including assessment:
- relevance of the content of the offered programs and services;
- compliance with the changing needs of all stakeholders and operating conditions;
- the effectiveness of the programs and services offered, as well as the activities in general.
1.2 The Center is subject to internal audit.
1.3 The Center plans and implements actions to resolve risks and realize opportunities. Risk management and the realization of opportunities create the basis for improving the effectiveness of the quality management system, obtaining improved results, and preventing negative effects. Opportunities may arise as a result of a situation favorable for achieving the desired results, for example, a set of circumstances that allow the Center to attract consumers, develop new products or services, reduce losses, or increase productivity. Actions to realize opportunities may also include taking into account the relevant risks. Risk is the influence of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have both positive and negative effects. A favorable deviation caused by risk may lead to opportunities, but not all the positive effects of risks turn into opportunities.
2 External evaluation (monitoring, questionnaires, interviews, etc.):
2.1 External evaluation of activities is carried out by external experts at various organizational levels. Responsibility for the effectiveness and efficiency of the Center is assigned to the head of the center.
3. The work provided by the joint plans of departments and enterprises is carried out by the participants of the Centre free of charge, except in cases of scientific research and experimental work.
For questions about conducting courses and passing training on our programs, please contact:
Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str., 9, office 107.
Contact phone number: 8(7212) 441634 (6507)
8 707 408 20 65- Sagitova Zhanel Yerbolatovna
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"Silver University", the University of the Third Age is an international movement whose task is to create favorable e conditions for the successful adaptation of older people in modern life, for self-education and self-improvement.
The purpose of the activities of the "Silver University" is
increasing the social activity of the older generation.
The objectives of the "Silver University" are:
- improving computer skills;
- improving financial and legal literacy;
- studying and deepening knowledge of foreign languages;
- understanding of developmental psychology;
The work of the "Silver University" involves teachers from the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, as well as partners, specialists from state institutions (departments for the coordination of employment and social programs, health, education, culture, etc.).
At the Silver University, classes are organized in the following areas:
- "Computer literacy"
- "Legal literacy"
- "Polyglot"
- "Spiritual development"
- "Healthy lifestyle".
The number and composition of disciplines included in each direction depends on the needs of the students.
Course programs:
- "Digital Literacy"
- "Emotional intelligence"
- "How to maintain and improve health"
- “ Ensuring human rights in activities law enforcement »
- " Time Management "
- " Electronic business "
- " Communicative Competence "
- " Aspiring Entrepreneur "
Education at the "Silver University" is carried out according to a separate schedule of the educational process.
Classes are held 2 times a week.
The duration of one lesson is 1 academic hour.
The duration of one training course is no more than 2 months.
The schedule of classes is compiled in accordance with the wishes of the students.
The number of activities of the "Silver University" can be supplemented based on the requests and wishes of potential students.
The group of listeners is no more than 12 people.
Forms of conducting classes: lectures, seminars, excursions, trainings. Classes are held in group form.
The format of classes is full-time and distance education.
Academic year at the "Silver University" - from October 1 to May 1
At the end of the course, a certificate is issued.
To enroll in the Silver University, you must fill out an application, which can be downloaded from the link: download application .
Contact Information:
Tel.: 8 7212 44 15 68
WhatsApp : +7 775 118 77 77
Address: Karaganda , Akademicheskaya st . 9, Office 107
E - mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vacancies for graduates:
It is a type of educational activity aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competence in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities.
The main types of internships for undergraduate EP students implemented at the university are: educational, industrial, pedagogical and pre-diploma practice. Pre-diploma practice is carried out in order to collect material and prepare for the defense of the final qualifying work. Students of the master's and doctoral levels undergo pedagogical, industrial and research practice.
Practice for persons with disabilities and the disabled is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status.
The practice can be carried out in state, public, commercial and non-commercial organizations that carry out activities on the profile of training students, the content of which corresponds to the professional competencies mastered in the framework of educational programs.
The organization of the practice, provided for by the curriculum of the EP, is carried out on the basis of contracts for the conduct of professional practice with organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.
№ |
Type of planned work |
Name of the document |
Planned implementation period (starting from January 2024 to 2029 and/or beyond) |
Indicator of the result, with links to information, analysis, etc., posted on the university's website on the project page |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz |
1. Assistance in the employment of graduates |
Preparation of statistical information for university reference (employment) |
The work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
September (annually) |
Annual report |
Organization of meetings with university students (presentation of the CPDC) |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October – November (annually) |
Meeting with students |
Determination of the current and future regional/national needs of the labor market and a proposal for the development of new educational programs |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October (annually) |
Shortage and surplus of professions in the regional labor market |
Announcement of the nominations "The most creative account in social networks", "The most commented account" |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October-November (annually) |
Results of the competition |
Monitoring the implementation of the University's sustainable development strategy |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
January 2024 |
SWOT analysis |
Study of the experience of other universities in the field of sustainable development in order to use the best practices |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
February 2024 |
Definition of the best practices of sustainable development |
Assessment of the external perception of the University: analytical tools and expert assessment |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
March 2024 |
EP ratings and reviews |
Monitoring the effectiveness of activities carried out together with employers |
The work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly Based on the results of the events |
SWOT analysis |
Monitoring of employment and preparation of a minute for the redistribution of graduates sent to Employment Centers |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center) |
September (annually |
SWOT analysis |
Monitoring of employment of graduates in 2024, including using the UAPF database |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
September 2024, February and April 2025 |
Data from the UAPF database |
Monitoring of employment of graduates in 2024, including using the UAPF database |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
September 2024, February and April 2025 |
Data from the UAPF database |
Organization of meetings of graduates with representatives of the Employment Center |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October-December (by agreement, annually) |
Percentage of employed graduates with the help of the employment center |
Organization and conducting of “Career Day” |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
November (annually) |
Percentage of employed graduates with the help of the Career Day |
Collection of CV and characteristics of graduate students |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
February (regularly) |
Database of graduates' CVs |
Monitoring of graduates' employment within 5 years, including the use of the UAPF database |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
April 2024 |
Employment dynamics |
Conducting an online meeting with students by state order with representatives of JSC “Financial Center” |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
April (annually, by agreement) |
Awareness of graduates |
Participation in the work of“Job Fair”, together with the Employment Center of the city of Karaganda |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
April 2024 (and further according to the schedule) |
Percentage of employed graduates according to the results of the Job Fair |
Collection and analysis of information on employment of graduates in 2024 |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
June 2024 |
Data on employment and the percentage of employed |
2. Organization of internship |
Preparation and approval of the internship schedule for students of all forms of education |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
September (annually) |
Academic Internship calendar |
Registration of contracts and updating of the Enterprise database |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly updated |
Database “Enterprise” |
Support for the fullness of the information resource of enterprise data, including databases of practices and the placement of scanned contracts on the university's website |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Regularly |
Database “Enterprise” |
Monitoring of internships (according to the schedule) |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
According to the schedule |
SWOT analysis |
Formation of a unified register of internship programs for all forms and terms of training in the "Internship" tab |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
September, October 2024 |
Register of internship programs |
Monitoring of the process of organizing and passing internships on the University's EPs |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October-November (annually) |
SWOT analysis |
Signing of internship contracts on behalf of the university |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Regularly |
internship contracts |
3. Continuing education |
Conducting explanatory information work among students on the concept of continuing education |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly |
Number of master and doctoral students |
Conducting seminars on the presentation of the concept of continuing education |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Annually (by agreement with dean offices) |
Percentage of informed people |
Promotion of short-term courses for various groups of students through university accounts, including the Career and Professional Development Center as well as Facebook and Instagram |
Work plan for the Career and Professional Development Center |
September-December 2024 |
Information content of accounts |
Conducting a seminar for faculty and university staff on continuing education, including discussion of issues related to the recognition of learning outcomes |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October 2024 |
Number of teaching staff who have completed the courses |
Contextual advertising of advanced training courses and programs |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly |
Number of people who have completed advanced training courses |
Conducting debates among students on the topic of the development of continuing education (with IMC) |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
November 2024 |
Number of participants |
Formation of the base of professional development programs within the framework of the “Silver University” |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October (regularly) |
Program database |
Placement of updated advertising products of the “Silver University” |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
October (regularly) |
Advertising |
Updating the database of advanced training courses for teaching staff, employees, business representatives, managers |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
November (regularly) |
Updated database |
Preparation of the course schedule, cost coordination with financial services, program approval |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly (on request) |
Course schedule |
Preparation for participation in the competition of educational scholarship within the framework of ERASMUS programs |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly (as the competition is announced) |
The number of grantees and scholarship |
4. Business design with students |
Participation in business project competitions |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly (as the competition is announced) |
The number of student prize-winning business projects prepared |
Participation in competitions of startup projects in the field of technological entrepreneurship |
Work plan of the Career and Professional Development Center |
Constantly (as the competition is announced) |
The number of prepared student startups in the field of technological entrepreneurship |
THE AIM OF THE PROJECT is to improve the research work of university students of the Republic of Kazakhstan by identifying patterns and trends of organizational and socio–economic factors using modern methods of information processing and analysis.
1) Uncovering of factors and patterns, have an impact on improvement of research work at universities the of the Republic of Kazakhstan with using processing and comparison of research results;
2) Clarification and detailing of the factors influencing the improvement of research work at the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, depending on the specialization of training;
3) Recognizing similarities and differences of factors and patterns characteristic of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and universities of near-abroad countries to improve research work;
4) Formation of scientifically-based recommendations for improving of research work of students at the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
-at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) Russian Science Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);
- as well as at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by COXON;
- publication of the monograph
3.1 Interim reports
3.2 Project publications AP 19676691:
1) Bashirov A.V., Golovacheva V.N., Nakipova G.E., Khanov T.A. //Features of the implementation of research activities of students in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the University N3 , 2023, p. 387-393
2) Bashirov A.V., Golovacheva V.N., Nakipova G.E., Khanov T.A.// The role of research work of university students in improving the quality of training of competitive specialists //Collection of scientific articles of the international pedagogical forum "Strategies of education: training of future personnel" dedicated to the memory of public figure, academician S.Zh. Praliev, Almaty ,2023,p.181-184
3) Borisov A A, Bashirov A B ,Khanov T A //Modernization of scientific student conferences as a factor of increasing the interest of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in research activities // : Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference «Academics and Science Reviews Materials» (October 5-6, 2023). Helsinki, Finland, 2023. 239p
4) Garipova A. A. Analysis of factors influencing the decrease in the number of students involved in research activities / A. A. Garipova [Text] // Collection of selected articles of the international scientific conference promising scientific research: current issues, achievements and innovations. — St. Petersburg: LOMONOSOV Moscow Institute of Technology, 2023. — pp. 25-26.
Seminar "Using the SPSS Software package in scientific research"
Information about the significance of the seminar at the link
3.3 Duty journeys
Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Federal University of Economics
Information about the duty journey is published on the website
Improving the scientific potential of students' research work through interuniversity cooperationИРН АР19675171 «СRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINAL PROTECTION MEASURES FOR THE PROTECTION OF MINING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK»
This is the first scientific study devoted to the analysis of the composition of violations of safety rules when conducting mining or construction work (Art. 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and the practice of its application, the result of which will be a complex of criminal legal and criminological measures to ensure safe work in the mining and construction industries. Conducted on the basis of agreement No. 222/23-25 dated August 8, 2023 with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical projects for grant funding.
The purpose of the scientific project: to develop a set of criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work.
Project objectives:
1) Analysis of specialized literature, sociological survey (experts, workers of mining and construction enterprises, law enforcement officers and courts);
2) Collection and analysis of statistical data on mortality and injuries in mining and construction enterprises;
3) Studying the experience of ensuring safety during mining or construction work in foreign countries;
4) Сriminological analysis of violations of safety rules during mining or construction work (social, economic, legal conditions of the act, the mechanism of its commission, the identity of the offender, the motivation for his criminal behavior, etc.);
5) Criminal legal analysis of the composition of violations of safety rules during mining or construction work;
6) Analysis and generalization of the practice of applying Art. 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan by investigative and judicial authorities;
7) Approbation of the results of scientific research in articles, reports at scientific conferences, round tables, scientific seminars.
Planned results of the project:
- publish 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed in the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database or a scientific journal that has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);
- publish 2 (two) articles in domestic publications recommended by KOKSNVO;
- publish the monograph “Criminal-legal and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work” in a Kazakh publishing house.
Expected scientific and socio-economic effect:
- Improvement of the state system of accounting and registration of accidents in the mining and construction industries;
- Reduction of cases of violation of safety rules during mining or construction work;
- Improving the industrial safety system, increasing production efficiency;
- Improvement of domestic legislation, investigative and judicial practice in cases of violation of safety rules during mining or construction work, the science of criminal law and criminology.
Staffing schedule of the research group for the contract dated August 8, 2023 No. 222/23-25 for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical projects for grant funding on the topic: “Criminal-legal and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work” (IRN AR 19675171).
Bakishev Kairat Alikhanovich, Doctor of Law, Prof. ORCID: 0000-0002-9841-4353; https:// authid/ detail.uri?authorId =57195920656.
Project Manager
Malikov Sergey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-0892-2328.
Performer, MSE
Fetkulov Alikzhan Khalelovich, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor ORCID 0000-0002-8719-6629; authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200526828
Performer, LSE
Abiev Erzhan Sapargalievich, magister
Performer, SSE
Alikhan Asylmurat Kairatuly,
Performer, SSE
Orynbekov Almas Sabituly,
магистр. ORCID: 0000-0003-2228-9434
Performer, SSE
Shaktaeva Laura Armanovna,
master's student
Performer, JSE
Mazhit Inkar Bergenkyzy,
master's student
Performer, JSE
Bakishev K.A.
- Уголовная политика Казахстана в сфере противодействия управлению транспортным средством в состоянии опьянения. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Право. 2021. Том. 12. Вып. 3. С.712-727. (ESCI), Scopus. https: DOI: 10.21638/spbu14.2021.314.
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- Ответственность за нарушение правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ (статья 277 УК РК). Вестник КазНУ. Серия Юридическая. 2022. №3. С. 40-48. DOI: 10.26577/ JAPJ.2022.v103.i3.11.
Malikov S.V.
- Деструктивное поведение пассажира: проблемы противодействия. Всероссийский криминологический журнал. 2020. Т.14. №1. С.106-119. DOI: 10.17150/2500-4255.2020.14(1).106-119;
- Конструирование составов преступлений с учетом протяженности деяния во времени. Юридическая наука, 2019. №8. С.76-80.
Fetkulov A.K.
- Общая характеристика законодательных новелл в сфере борьбы с неза-конным оборотом наркотиков в Республике Казахстан. Всероссийский криминологический журнал. 2017. Т. 11, № 3. C. 623–632. (ESCI). DOI: 10.17150/2500-4255.2017.11(3). C.623-632.
- Анализ наркоситуации в стране и некоторые пути преодоления наркотизма. «ХА-БАРШЫ - ВЕСТНИК» Карагандинской академии МВД Республики Казахстан им. Баримбека Бейсенова. 2021. № 2 (72). С.44-49.
- Административно-правовые аспекты обеспечения безопасности и охраны труда в Рес-публике Казахстан. Евразийский юридический журнал. 2022. № 2(165). С.116-119.
Abiev E.S.
- Мемлекеттік қызметті құқықтық реттеудің шетелдік тәжірибесі. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. 2019. №12/3. С.57-60. in-dex.php/journal/article/view/72/72
- Мемлекеттік қызмет саласындағы мәселелерді шешу жолдары. Международный научный журнал «Ғылым-Наука». 2020. №2(65). С. 78-82. akademija/ooniirid/zhurnal/gilim2_65_2020.pdf.
Orynbekov A.S.
- Criminal prosecution for organizing or maintaining dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and providing premises for the same purposes under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of criminology and sociology, 2020, Vol.9. P. 2385-2397. Scopus, Q3, DOI: 10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.289
Alikhan A.K.
- Регламентация ответственности за нарушение правил охраны труда (статья 156 УК Республики Казахстан). Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения. 2021. Т.17, №4. С.57-66. DOI: 10.12737/jflcl. 2021.041.
3.1 Intermediate results
According to the project schedule, the following were implemented:
- collection and analysis of articles, monographs, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, departmental regulations on safety during mining or construction work, official statistics on mortality and injuries in the mining and construction industries;
- questionnaires have been developed for conducting a survey of law enforcement officers, workers in the construction and mining industries, and the collection of empirical materials has begun;
3.2 Publications
- Bakishev K.A., Fetkulov A.K. Violation of safety rules at explosive objects (Art. 281 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and legal journal. 2023. No. 2. P.108-116. The journal is included in the list of publications recommended by KOKSNVO for publishing the main results of scientific research.
- Shaktaeva LAURA_EXAMINATION of OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES Collection of articles based on the materials of CCCXXXV international scientific and practical conference "YOUNG RESEARCHER: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS"
- Fetkulov, Bakishev, Abiev - Comparative analysis of violation of safety rules during mining or construction work, Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and violation of labor protection rules, Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Certificate Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work
- Bakishev K.A. _Criminal legal security in mining or construction
- Bakishev K.A., Alikhan A.K.. Vestnik KazNU. Legal series Injuries during mining or construction work. Article 277 of the Criminal Code
- Lakbaev K.S., Nurgaliev B.M._Prop.disclosure and investigation.violation of Lakbaev K.S., Nurgaliev B.M._Prop.disclosure and investigation.violation of
- Lakbaev K. S. , Nurgaliev B.M.,.Sadvakasova A.T._O method.Investigationlakbaevk S. , Nurgaliev B.M.,.Sadvakasova A.T._O method.investigations
- Sadvakasova,svyaz.with the management of mountains.or builds the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Bakishev K.A., Sadvakasova A.T. Features of appointment and production of forensic examinations Bakishev K.A., Sadvakasova A.T.Features of appointment and production of forensic examinations
- Sadvakasova A.T._ CERTIFICATE OF MNPC 05/24/2024Sadvakasova A.T._ CERTIFICATE OF MNPC 05/24/2024
- The act of introducing a car at the kazpotrebsoyuz
- Act of implementation of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B.Beisenov_07.11.24
- The act of implementation_Slovenia.
3.3 Business trips
To implement the project schedule and ensure the representativeness of the research results, scientific trips were carried out:
- within the Republic of Kazakhstan – city of Zhezkazgan.
- outside the Republic of Kazakhstan – city of Moscow.
During business trips, project implementers collect empirical material, survey experts, employees of enterprises and institutions, study foreign experience in combating violations of safety rules during mining or construction work, and conduct surveys of experts.
3.3 Round tables, scientific seminars, conferences
Round table held at Al-Farabi KazNU within the framework of the scientific project IRN API9675171.
Scientific and practical seminar held at the NAO "M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University" within the framework of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological problems in ensuring safety during mining or construction work" IRN API9675171.
Scientific and practical seminar held at the Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University within the framework of the scientific project IRN API9675171.
To carry out the tasks of the project, the executors are planning business trips to Kazan and Almaty in November 2023.
3.1 Intermediate Results
3.2 Publications
3.3 Business trip
Научные проекты, выполненные по заказу Комитета науки Министерства науки и высшего образования РК.
«Уголовно-правовые и криминологические меры обеспечения безопасно-сти при ведении горных или строительных работ» (ИРН АР 19675171). Срок проекта 2023-2025 гг.
Лаборатория юридических исследований НИИ ЭПИ Карагандинского университета Казпотребсоюза в августе 2023 года выиграла грант по заявке, поданной осенью 2022 года, и на этом основании заключила с Комитетом науки МНиВО РК договор № 222/23-25 от 08 августа 2023 года на реализацию научных, научно-технических проектов по грантовому финансированию. Срок проекта 2023-2025 гг.
Это первое научное исследование, проводимое в свете Концепции правовой политики РК до 2030 года, посвященное анализу состава нарушения правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ (ст. 277 УК РК) и практике его применения, итогом которого станет комплекс уголовно-правовых и криминологических мер обеспечения безопасного труда в горной и строительной отраслях промышленности.
Приоритетное направление развития науки, по которому была подана заявка – 7; Исследования в области социальных и гуманитарных наук. 1.3. Наименование специализированного научного направления, по которому подана заявка, область и вид исследований: 7.1; Фундаментальные, прикладные, междисциплинарные исследования в области социальных наук: 7.1.5; Исследование актуальных проблем государственного управления, правового обеспечения развития государства, общества, экономики, политической трансформации.
Даты начала и окончания проекта: с 01.08.2023 по 31.12.2025 гг.
Актуальность темы: в Казахстане на рабочем месте ежегодно гибнут и получают травмы более двух тысяч человек. Наибольшее количество пострадавших традиционно приходится на предприятия горно-металлургического комплекса и строительной отрасли. Для защиты жизни и здоровья людей от воздействия опасных производственных факторов необходимо изучить состояние охраны труда работников при ведении горных или строительных работ, выяснить причины их смертности и травматизма, оценить эффективность применения ст. 277 УК РК к нарушителям специальных правил безопасности в следственной и судебной практике. На основе полученных результатов сформулировать уголовно-правовые и криминологические меры обеспечения безопасности ведения горных или строительных работ, сокращения (минимизации) несчастных случаев на рабочем месте.
Значимость проекта в национальном и международном масштабах заключается в том, что его результаты позволят: а) установить реальную криминологическую картину нарушения пра-вил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ; б) выявить причины и условия этого уголовного правонарушения; в) определить перспективные направления его предупреждения; г) совершенствовать национальное законодательство и практику его применения; д) разработать другие действенные меры обеспечения промышленной безопасности и конституционного права граждан на безопасные условия труда.
Цель научного проекта: разработать комплекс уголовно-правовых и криминологических мер обеспечения безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ.
Задачи проекта.
1) анализ специальной литературы, социологический опрос (экспертов, работников горных и строительных предприятий, сотрудников правоохранительных органов и суда);
2) сбор и анализ статистических данных о смертности и травматизме в горных и строительных предприятиях;
3) изучение опыта обеспечения безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ в зарубежных странах;
4) криминологический анализ нарушения правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ (социальной, экономической, правовой обусловленности деяния, механизма его совершения, личности правонарушителя, мотивации его преступного поведения и др.);
5) уголовно – правовой анализ состава нарушения правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ;
6) анализ и обобщение практики применения ст. 277 УК РК следственными и судебными органами;
7) апробация результатов научного исследования в статьях, докладах на научных конференциях, круглых столах, научных семинарах.
Штатное расписание исследовательской группы к договору от 08 августа 2023 года № 222/23-25 на реализацию научных, научно-технических проектов по грантовому финансированию на тему: «Уголовно-правовые и криминологические меры обеспечения безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ» (ИРН АР 19675171).
1 |
Бакишев Кайрат Алиханович, д.ю.н., проф. ORCID: 0000-0002-9841-4353; https:// authid/ detail.uri?authorId =57195920656. |
Руководитель проекта |
2 |
Маликов Сергей Владимирович, д.ю.н., доцент ORCID: 0000-0003-0892-2328. |
Исполнитель, ГНС |
3 |
Феткулов Аликжан Халелович, к.ю.н., доцент. ORCID 0000-0002-8719-6629; authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200526828 authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200526828 |
Исполнитель, ВНС |
4 |
Абиев Ержан Сапаргалиевич, магистр |
Исполнитель, СНС |
5 |
Алихан Асылмурат Кайратулы, бакалавр |
Исполнитель, СНС |
6 |
Орынбеков Алмас Сабитулы, магистр. ORCID: 0000-0003-2228-9434 |
Исполнитель, СНС |
7 |
Шактаева Лаура Армановна, магистрант |
Исполнитель, МНС |
8 |
Мәжит Іңкәр Бергенқызы, магистрант |
Исполнитель, МНС |
Публикации Руководителя проекта по направлению науки, по которому подается проект:
- Уголовная политика Казахстана в сфере противодействия управлению транспортным средством в состоянии опьянения. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Право. 2021. Том. 12. Вып. 3. С.712-727. (ESCI), Scopus. https: DOI: 10.21638/spbu14.2021.314.
- О совершенствовании системы мер безопасности дорожного движения. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Гумилева, серия «Право», 2019. № 1 (126). C. 8-19. DOI: 10.32523/2616-6844-2019-126-1-8-19.
- Ответственность за нарушение правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ (статья 277 УК РК). Вестник КазНУ. Серия Юридическая. 2022. №3. С. 40-48. DOI:
Публикации исполнителей проекта по направлению науки, по которому подается проект:
Маликов С.В.
- Деструктивное поведение пассажира: проблемы противодействия. Всероссийский криминологический журнал. 2020. Т.14. №1. С.106-119. DOI: 10.17150/2500-4255.2020.14(1).106-119;
- Конструирование составов преступлений с учетом протяженности деяния во времени. Юридическая наука, 2019. №8. С.76-80.
Феткулов А.Х.
- Общая характеристика законодательных новелл в сфере борьбы с незаконным оборотом наркотиков в Республике Казахстан. Всероссийский криминологический журнал. 2017. Т. 11, № 3. C. 623–632. (ESCI). DOI: 10.17150/2500-4255.2017.11(3). C.623-632.
- Анализ наркоситуации в стране и некоторые пути преодоления наркотизма. «ХА-БАРШЫ - ВЕСТНИК» Карагандинской академии МВД Республики Казахстан им. Баримбека Бейсенова. 2021. № 2 (72). С.44-49.
- Административно-правовые аспекты обеспечения безопасности и охраны труда в Рес-публике Казахстан. Евразийский юридический журнал. 2022. № 2(165). С. 116-119.
Абиев Е.С.
- Мемлекеттік қызметті құқықтық реттеудің шетелдік тәжірибесі. Наука и жизнь Казах-стана. 2019. №12/3. С.57-60. index.php/journal/article/view/72/72
- Мемлекеттік қызмет саласындағы мәселелерді шешу жолдары. Международный научный журнал «Ғылым-Наука». 2020. №2(65). С. 78-82. akademija/ooniirid/zhurnal/gilim2_65_2020.pdf.
Орынбеков А.С.
- Criminal prosecution for organizing or maintaining dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and providing premises for the same purposes under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of criminology and sociology, 2020, Vol.9. P. 2385-2397. Scopus, Q3, DOI: 10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.289
Алихан А.К.
- Регламентация ответственности за нарушение правил охраны труда (статья 156 УК Республики Казахстан). Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения. 2021. Т.17, №4. С.57-66. DOI: 10.12737/jflcl.2021.041.
Для достижения цели и выполнения задач исследования будут использоваться теоретические и эмпирические научные методы. Для изучения состояния смертности и травматизма в горном и строительном отраслях промышленности, составления криминологического прогноза будут применяться методы анализа абсолютных и относительных статистических показателей, исследования объекта во времени (ретроспектива).
Для выполнения календарного плана проекта и обеспечения репрезентативности результатов исследования запланированы научные командировки в пределах Республики Казахстан, где будет осуществляться сбор эмпирического материала, опрос экспертов, работников предприятий и учреждений, участие в научных конференциях и семинарах. В этих же целях календарным планом проекта предусмотрены научные командировки за пределы Республики Казахстан для изучения зарубежного опыта противодействия нарушениям правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ, проведения опроса экспертов, участия в научных семинарах и конференциях для апробации результатов исследования.
Ожидаемые результаты по итогам научного проекта:
- опубликовать 1 (одну) статью в рецензируемом научном журнале, индексируемом в Social Science Citation Index или Arts and Humanities Citation Index базы Web of Science или научном журнале, имеющем процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus не менее 35 (тридцати пя-ти);
- опубликовать 2 (две) статьи в отечественных изданиях, рекомендованных КОКСНВО;
- опубликовать монографию «Уголовно-правовые и криминологические меры обеспечения безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ» в казахстанском издательстве.
Ожидаемый научный и социально-экономический эффект:
- совершенствование государственной системы учета и регистрации несчастных случаев в горном и строительном отраслях промышленности;
- сокращение случаев нарушения правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ;
- совершенствование системы промышленной безопасности, повышение эффективности производства;
- совершенствование отечественного законодательства, следственной и судебной практики по делам о нарушении правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ, науки уголовного права и криминологии.
Область применения результатов исследования: организация безопасности труда в горных и строительных отраслях промышленности, следственная и судебная практика. Целевые потребители - Министерство труда и социальной защиты населения РК, Государственный инспектор труда, предприятия и учреждения горной и строительной отраслей промышленности, органы внутренних дел и прокуратуры, суд.
Социальный, экономический, правовой эффект научного проекта заключается в сокращении (минимизации) человеческих, социальных и экономических потерь от несчастных случаев в горных предприятиях и строительных организациях, дальнейшем развитии юридической науки и повышения эффективности уголовных и криминологических мер предупреждения нарушений правил безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ.
В настоящее время согласно календарному плану проекта был осуществлен сбор и анализ статей, монографий, законов РК, ведомственных нормативных актов о безопасности при ведении горных или строительных работ, официальной статистики о смертности и травматизме в горной и строительной отраслях промышленности. Были разработаны анкеты для проведения соцопроса сотрудников правоохранительных органов, работников строительной и горной промышленности и начат сбор эмпирических материалов.
Вне календарного плана опубликована статья «Нарушение правил безопасности на взрывоопасных объектах (ст. 281 УК РК)». Авторы – Бакишев К.А., Феткулов А.Х. Статья в Вестнике Института законодательства и правовой информации РК. Научно-правовой журнал. 2023. №2. С.108-116. Журнал входит в перечень рекомендованных КОКСНВО изданий для публикации основных результатов научного исследования.
1) Presentation of the course on the department's account @meimo.karuk
"On March 13, 2023, there was a presentation of a training module as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module «The European Union migration policy»
2) EXAM on the department's account @meimo.karuk and on the university's account @official_karuk
05.05.2023 course reading completed as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project 101085024-EUMP–ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH «THE EUROPEAN UNION MIGRATION POLICY», which was during March 13 - May 5, 2023.
3) AWARD OF CERTIFICATES on the official university’s website @official_karuk
Department -
University -
For the 2022-2023 year following articles were published:
1. Ye. Syzdykbekov. External labor migration as a factor in the development of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Karaganda University. - № 4(108). – 2022. – С. 227-234. [In Russian]
2) Syzdykbekov Y.S., Baigozhina G.M., Tutinova N.K. European experience in the field of migration policy: multicultural issues // Integration of science and education in conditions of innovative development and implementation of sustainable development goals, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - International scientific-theoretical conference.09.12.2022 //
On May 15, 2023, the students who had successfully completed the course «THE EUROPEAN UNION MIGRATION POLICY» received their certificates within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 101085024-EUMP-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH.
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The project working group Syzdykbekov Y.S., Abeuova S.T., Baigozhina G.M. delivered lectures at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz during March 13 to May 5, 2023 within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project 101085024-EUMP–ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH «THE EUROPEAN UNION MIGRATION POLICY». Students of the "World Economy" and "International Relations" programs have successfully passed the exam in the form The examination form is protection of group projects.
It is necessary to mention the following group projects:
1) «The historical context of migration in the European Union». The project was prepared by students Anton Kvasnevsky, Vladislav Nefyodov, Amalia Bislinger, and Alexandra Zhilyaeva;
2) «Forming of the EU Common migration policy», prepared by students Karina Mukasheva, Nargiz Gadzhieva, Nuraiyim Sagidullaeva, and Tomiris Aksanova;
3) «Freedom of movement and labour mobility in the EU». The project was prepared by students Karina Aubakirova, Timur Iskaleev, and Farid Mamutov;
4) «The EU Asylum Policy», prepared by students Logacheva Daria, Koptsova Anastasia, Kurubaev Timur and Smirnov Artem.
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On March 13, 2023 The presentation of the training module “The European Union migration policy” was held in the framework of the project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 101085024-EUMP-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH at Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz. Students of educational programs “International Relations” and “World Economy” were really interested in this course.
Project Coordinator, Senior Lecturer, Master E.S. Syzdykbekov, members of the working group Associate Professor, PhD Abeuova S.T., Senior Lecturer, PhD Baigozhina G.M. introduced students with the purpose and objectives of the module.
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