• Speciality Code:



    State and local government

    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2021-2022
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee

8D04103 «State and local management"

The content of the educational program at the doctoral specialty 8D04103 «State and local management" constitute such disciplines as "Public administration economic security of Kazakhstan", "Globalization and its impact on the main economic processes", "The theory of social management" and others. This makes it possible to acquire competence in the field of professional scientific and innovative activity in the conditions of constant updating and modernization of society in the formulation of Fundamental and Applied Economics, Management Studies, skilled and creative analysis of the current economic problems of the society, in the organization and carrying out of copyright and joint research projects, formulation of the original objectives and expanding the frontiers of scientific research in the field of public administration and local self-government in the use of information systems and adequate software to improve the efficiency of state and local government, in the understanding of the impact of macro- and micro-economic tools for the effective development of the national economy, in the development of guidelines the administration and improvement of educational programs in the field of economic, environmental, energy, food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to effectively manage the human capital of the republic, in the design of their educational trajectory and further professional development.
Graduates of doctoral studies in the direction of preparation 8D04103 «State and local management" as objects of professional activity can choose higher education institutions, research institutes, government republican government, government, regional governments and municipalities, state, national companies, state pension, insurance and other foundations, government enterprises, public and private institutions and international funds, departments of social policy and social governance, information and analytic centers of government.
The term of doctoral studies - 3 years. Full-time form of education.
Educational programs of doctoral studies built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on the preparation of the teaching staff with a high level of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of economy.
The basis of the fundamental educational doctorate program constitute the author's courses, professors' scientific seminars, guest lectures, master-classes of famous scientists and practitioners.
Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of the leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
Efficient implementation of research activities contributes to the functioning of the research institute "Economic and legal research", as well as the work of the scientific consortium "KEU - Institute for Regional Development", specialized training and research laboratories and offices.
Stable position of the University as a strategic partner allowed to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in the scientific and creative studies: it is the institution's financial and credit systems, departments and agencies public administration, enterprises of different ownership forms, colleges and others.
The major universities-partners will in the implementation of joint research projects, raising the academic mobility, organization of scientific training are the Institute for Research in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Germany, Institute for Innovation Management, Germany, St. Istvan University, Hungary, the Economic University in Krakow, Poland, Sofia University them. St. Cl. Ohrid, Bulgaria, Santiago de Kompastela University, Spain, etc.

The degree program:Doctor of Philosophy PhD on specialty 8D04103 "State and local management"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)(185 ECTS – credits/ 75 Kazakhstan credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Consulting (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
Term of validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 3 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 3rd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 8; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 8
  • A) Purpose
    • The aim of the educational program specialty 8D04103 « State and local management " is to acquire doctoral theoretical knowledge , skills, research and teaching in the field of state and local government
    • Successful graduates must demonstrate:
      • Demonstrate systematic understanding of the field of study, mastery of the skills and research methods used in this field;
      • Plan, design, implement and adjust complex process research studies;
      • To contribute their own original research in expanding the boundaries of scientific areas that may merit publication on national or international level, state and local government;
      • Critically analyze, evaluate and cite new and complex ideas in state and local government agencies;
      • Communicate their knowledge and achievements of colleagues, the scientific community and the general the public;
    • Promote the development of a society based on knowledge of the state and the local government system.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Main disciplines:
    • Basic disciplines: State management of economic safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Profiling disciplines:
    • The theory of public management, Mathematical model of governance, globalization and its impact on the main economic processes, management and performance budgeting in the public sector of the economy, theory of economics, econometric analysis in scientific research, development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, the policy of incomes and wages in today's economy
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty "State and local management" is used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using a system of credits (loans) and related educational technology.
    • 3.Direction
    • PhD
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates majoring 8D04103 "State and local management" are focused on the following types of professional activity:
      • research in fundamentally new areas of theory and practice;
      • With participation in scientific conferences, seminars and round tables on the state and local governments mu m;
      • identification and resolution of problems of the domestic economy, global and strategic governance;
      • Participating in research projects within the framework of grants and scientific topics;
      • Resistant communication and the development of partnerships with research centers elations and scientific project managers
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • in higher educational institutions in research activities; in research centers, expert institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • Postdoctoral program
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used active and interactive forms of employment (case -study, project method, round tables, discussions, case method, debates)
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (writing cases); protection SR reports on the passage of pedagogical and research practices (reports); scientific study tour (report), final examination (state examination, defense doctoral thesis)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competence
    • The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of cycle. This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the thirdcycle.
    • The competencies listed beloware the summary and the most characteristic competencies for this program:
    • CC1 - have an idea about the main stages of development and a paradigm shift in the evolution of science, on the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
    • CC2 - have an understanding of the scientific schools of national and world economics, their theoretical and empirical aspects, including the field of State Local Government;
    • CC4 - demonstrate an understanding of the methodology of scientific knowledge and modern trends, trends and patterns of development of national science in the context of globalization and internationalization, the achievements of world and Kazakhstan science in the field of state and local government;
    • CC5 - understand and accept the social responsibility of science and education;
    • CC6- know perfectly foreign language for scientific communication and international cooperation;
    • CC7 - be able to organize, to plan and implement the research process;
    • CC8 - be able to analyze, evaluate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of research, to draw conclusions and to process information from different sources;
    • CC9 - be able to conduct an independent scientific research characterized by academic integrity based on modern theories and methods of analysis, be able to generate their own new scientific ideas, to show their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge;
    • CC10 - be able to choose and use modern research methodology effectively;
    • CC11 - have the skills of critical analysis, evaluation and comparison of different theories and ideas, have the skills of analytical and experimental research activities, and the skills of responsible and creative approach to scientific and pedagogical activity
    • CC12 - have the skills of oratory and public speaking at international scientific meetings, conferences and seminars, scientific events, fundamental scientific domestic and international projects, scientific writing and scientific communication;
    • CC13 - have the skills of planning, coordinating, forecasting the results of the study and implementation of the process of scientific investigation;
    • СС14 - have the skills of systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and effectiveness of selected research methods, leadership management and leadership team;
    • СС15 - have the skills of systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and performance of selected scientific methods;
    • СС16 - be competent in the field of scientific and educational activities in terms of information flows quickly update and growth;
    • СС17 - be competent in carrying out theoretical and experimental research, in formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems of professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field;
    • СС18 - be competent in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management, in matters of high school preparation of experts for examination of research projects and studies, to ensure continuous professional growth.
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1 - to know the current management problems in the field of improving the competitiveness of the national economy and the globalization of Kazakhstan;
    • PC 2 - to know the conditions to ensure the economic, environmental, energy, food and other state security;
    • PC 3 - to have the ability to use specialized theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for professional practice and development of original ideas for improving the state of local government and self-government;
    • PC4 - the ability to analyze and compare the contents of the scientific economic concepts and paradigms critically, to assess the value of scientific creativity and new ideas on perspectives state development in the context of globalization;
    • PC 5 - be able to use a set of specialized knowledge to conduct theoretical and applied research, the development of innovative technologies for data collection and the creation of innovative skills, integrating them in various fields of applied science;
    • PC 6 - be competent in the use of information systems and adequate software to improve the efficiency of state and local government;
    • PC 7 - to be able to solve the problems arising in the course of research and educational activities that require for professional knowledge deepening independently;
    • PC 8 - with the help of unique scientific solutions be able to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of research in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 9 - be competent in matters of high school preparation of experts;
    • PC 10 - have the ability to demonstrate leadership, innovation, academic and professional creativity, commitment to the development of new ideas in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 11 - have the skills of professional involvement in research projects of scientific departments, skills of participation in scientific events of international, national and regional level, skills of organization of scientific events - roundtables, seminars and conferences;
    • PC 12 - have skills of the most advanced and specialized skills and techniques which are necessary to solve an important problems in the research and development of innovations in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 13 - demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, demonstrate the ability in construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results;
    • PC 14 - be competent in the setting of basic and applied economic, administrative tasks, be competent in a skilled and creative analysis of the current economic problems of society;
    • PC 15 - be competent in the organization and in carrying out of copyright and joint research projects, in the formulation of the original objectives and expanding the frontiers of scientific research in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 16 - be competent in the field of implementation and management innovation, to be competent in the design of educational trajectory and further professional development.
  • F) The complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice, in the work of organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • be competent: in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows; in carrying out theoretical and experimental research studies; in the formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research; to conduct a professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field; in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management; in matters of university training; in the examination of projects and studies; to ensure professional growth.
  • "State management of economic security in Kazakhstan", 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Discipline "State management of economic security in Kazakhstan" is a compulsory subject in accordance with the State educational standards specialty 8D04103- State and local government.
      Economic security is the ability of the national economy to ensure effective satisfaction of social needs in the domestic and international levels. For in-depth training in the area of state and local government a special place is government control of economic security, the result of which should be to improve the efficiency, quality and competitiveness of services and products of the country.
      Doctoral students for the study of this discipline should be aware of the content of the disciplines: "Fundamentals of Economics and Law", "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "Management", "Public Administration Theory", "State regulation of the economy", "Municipal management".
      The study of doctoral discipline should
      the main domestic and foreign scientists and approaches to public management of economic security;
      the scientific basis of organizational and management activities in the field of public administration economic security;
      laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts regulating the issues of economic security;
      be able to:
      use of categorical apparatus of economics, management theory, economic systems, including knowledge of the basic theories and concepts of all sections of specialization subjects;
      solve the theoretical and practical aspects of risk management in the activity of economic entities and the economic security of business entities;
      be skilled in:
      use of the theory and methods of economics to the analysis of contemporary socio-economic problems in this specialty and the chosen field of subject specialization;
      analytical work used in scientific research;
      scientific approaches to understanding the theoretical essence, functions and governance processes of economic security;
      to organize and analyze the economic security of industries and regions.
      Full name lecturer: Doctor of Law, Professor. Khanov T.A.
  • Mathematical models in management, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information technologies in management, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: Mastering the theoretical basis for applying mathematical models used in developing managerial decisions and practical skills in formalizing management tasks, building mathematical models, meaningful interpretation and analysis of computational results.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of mathematical modeling of economic systems. Balance models: Leontief's model of a diversified economy; Linear trade model; Models of inventory management. Wilson's model. Models of network planning and management. Mathematical models of queuing systems. Simulation modeling. Models of linear optimization of control. Modeling the behavior of producers. Game models for making managerial decisions.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the main types of mathematical models used in the development of management decisions and the acquisition of practical skills in the application of the studied models and modern information technologies for finding the optimal management solution.
    • Full name lecturer: k. e.s. Emelina N.K.
  • Econometric analysis in scientific research, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information technologies in management, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: This course is aimed at developing doctoral students' analytical and research skills in economics using econometric modeling and teaching modern econometric methods and their application in applied econometrics based on STATA software.
    • Brief description of the course: Among the topics outlined on the course are: models of linear and nonlinear regressions; evaluation of instrumental variables; two-dimensional models with bounded dependent variables; a time series model with one or more equations; static linear models with panel data; Dynamic linear models with panel data and models with panel data with limited dependent variables. An integral part of the course is practical exercises, during which the doctoral students will work on empirical exercises using the STATA program.
    • Expected Result: As a result of successful study of the discipline, the doctoral student must acquire the following skills:
      • the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and mathematical tools to study practical problems of the economy;
      • the ability to develop their own theoretical and econometric models for solving problems in the economy;
      • skills of independent work with the program STATA.
    • Full name lecturer: k. e.s. Emelina N.K.
  • Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Public Sector Economics, Theory and Practice of Public Administration, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: Mastering the theoretical and practical bases of the current method of management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy of modern countries for using this method in research and practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical bases of functioning of public sector in modern economy, features of management by results in public sector: models and mechanisms, methodology of formation of service standards (on materials of social infrastructure), state activity on provision of public goods in Kazakhstan economy, system of state planning and results-based budgeting, the introduction of results-based planning into the production management and public goods delivery system, the organization of a performance monitoring process in the public sector, and the evaluation of municipal development programs.
    • Expected Result: As a result of successful study of the discipline, the doctoral student must acquire the following skills: to acquire knowledge in the field of the public sector of the economy, modern classifications of public goods and services, management methods applied for the most effective management of public sector resources in a modern market economy; be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained to the process of developing strategic plans of state bodies, regional development programs, city programs; reasoning and logical to prove one's own position when formulating indicators and program indicators, establishing their ability to measure the effects of primary and secondary appropriation of public goods in the economy of Kazakhstan; to create the ability to draw up a logical framework and work plan for organizing the evaluation of regional programs, to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative parameters in the monitoring of the effectiveness of public sector programs in Kazakhstan; to acquire the skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of monitoring data on the performance of the public sector through the example of individual programs.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Pritvorova T.P.
  • The policy of income and wages in the modern economy, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Economics of the public sector.
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the development of theoretical foundations by the doctoral students on the mechanism of interrelation between the market distribution of incomes and the methods of state intervention in the structure of the population's incomes, including through social institutions.
    • Brief description of the course. To justify the conceptual provisions of the social state in the context of income and wages of citizens. To form an idea of ​​the system of state methods, instruments and institutions that exert regulatory influence on incomes and wages; consider monetary (or quasi-monetary) and natural instruments for regulating the incomes of the population in the fiscal and monetary spheres, social insurance and social assistance systems, labor market institutions, education, health, culture and sports. Form an idea of ​​the effect of synergy in the application of various instruments of revenue regulation. Develop and consolidate the skills of analyzing the quantitative indicators of income and wages based on economic and statistical methods.
    • Expected results: To develop a system of initial ideas on the regulation of incomes and wages in a market economy in the context of the subsidiary responsibility of a citizen, family and state. To form an idea of ​​the role, scale and forms of participation of the public sector of the economy in the income of the population. To master the skills of economic and statistical analysis and evaluation of the results of the state of the art and state of the art at the macro level (based on the SNA93 system) and at the micro-level (household).
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Pritvorova T.P.
  • The theory of public management (an alternative to economic theory and economics), 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Problems of ensuring sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of a scientific outlook among listeners, future specialists in the economic sphere, the education of new economic thinking and culture, the ability to identify the real contradictions in the process of cognition and find ways to resolve them.
    • Brief description of the course: The theory of public management studies the content of economic processes, concepts, categories, laws and patterns of formation and development of various types of economies, economic theories. The course assumes an in-depth study of sources, systematization and disclosure of the views of prominent economists, revealing the relationship and continuity of ideas, finding new approaches and conclusions.
    • Expected results: The study of the content of the main categories and laws of the economy, the critical analysis and comparison of their interpretations by different schools contribute to a better understanding of economic life, develops the ability for independent scientific research.
    • Full name lecturer: d.e.s. Ainabek K.S., к. e.s. Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • The theory of economic science (the evolution of economic science), 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Knowledge-based economy in the context of globalization, Institutional Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of knowledge of historically developed stages in the development of economic science, concepts, approaches for undergraduates of the economic profile, the acquisition of knowledge of methods and tools for the study of economic processes.
    • Brief description of the course: "Theory of Economic Sciences" studies the evolution of views on economic processes, concepts, categories, laws and patterns of formation and development of various types of economies, economic theories. The study of this course assumes an in-depth study of economic schools and trends, consideration of different views of outstanding economists, the disclosure of the essence of economic laws, phenomena and economic processes.
    • Expected results: mastering of the basic principles and methods of the course, allowing to study phenomena and processes from the scientific point of view; the ability to understand the content of economic theories of the past and the modern era, and determine their value for use in research work at the present stage; acquiring a holistic view of the theory of economic science; a comprehensive view of the economic system and an understanding of the essence of its components; the idea of ​​the essence of mercantilism, classical political economy, Marxist political economy, economics, economic theory and theory of economic science, the theory of public management.
    • Full name lecturer: d.e.s. Ainabek K.S., к.e.s. Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • Globalization and its impact on basic economic processes, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, State regulation of the real sector of the economy.
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of a comprehensive view of doctoral students about the current integration processes, the significance and impact of globalization on the system of international economic relations, the main global problems of the present and ways to solve them.
    • Brief description of the course: Professional analysis of modern integration processes occurring in different regions of the world, taking into account their civilization and cultural specifics, the methodology of studying global processes of the present.
    • Expected results: to be able to take into account the factor of economic efficiency of international activities in the implementation of programs and projects, to know and understand the logic of global processes and the development of the world political system of international relations in their conditionality by economy, history, law, understanding the structure of global processes of scientific and technological innovation and the prospects for change in them places and roles of Kazakhstan.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Taubayev A.A.
  • Development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, State regulation of the real economy, Basics of local government organization
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical foundations and basic concepts of public-private partnership.
    • Brief description of the course: the formation of a complex of theoretical knowledge on public-private partnership and its development features, taking into account the prevailing conditions for the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activities in the national economic system.
    • This course is aimed at a comprehensive study of the general theoretical foundations of public-private partnership.
    • Expected results: In studying this course, the doctoral student will know the essence and content of public-private partnership, the features of its development in the modern economy, the stages of transformation of the national model of state assets management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The knowledge gained during the course of this course will also allow the doctoral student to observe the logical sequence of the research and to solve the correctly set goal and tasks of public-private partnership in a comprehensive manner.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Taubayev A.A.
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