Staff of the department


Staff of the department

Full name: Omarova Sholpan Embergenovna

- Education:
Years 1970-1975 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Economics and Organization of Machine-Building Industry"
Years 1983-1986 Moscow Finance Academy, specialty 080013 - "Mathematical methods and the use of computer technology in economic research and management of the economy"
- Degree: candidate of economical sciences
In 1987 she defended her candidate thesis on "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economy"
- Academic title: Professor
She has over 120 scientific publications.
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Economical information Systems
3. Information technologies
4. IS basis
5. New technologies in EIS
6. Database and expert systems
7. Databases in IS
8. Databases
9. Informational technologies in management



Full name: Аyazhanov Sarsen Suygenovich

- Education:
Years 1956-1961 Kirov Kazakh State University, Faculty of mathematics, specialty "Mathematics"
Years 1963-1968 Almaty Institute of National Economy, Planning and economic department, specialty "Economics"
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
In 1978 he defended his thesis "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics"
- Title: Professor
- Teaching disciplines (st. lang.):
1. System analysis and operations research
2. Protection of information in computer systems
3. Expert systems
4. Economic cybernetics
5. Economic information Systems
6. Certification of hardware and software
He has more than 20 publications, total number of about 50 p. each.



Full name: Аyazhanov Kuanysh Sarsenovich

- Education:
Years 1981-1986 - Karaganda Cooperative Institute, merchandising for consumer goods
- Degree: Candidate of economical sciences
- Title: Docent
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. 1C: Accounting
2. Expert systems
3. Computer graphics
4. Web-technologies
5. Fundamentals of computer modeling
6. Certification of hardware and software



Full name: Drozd Vladimir Grigoryevich

- Education:
Years 1989-1994 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Systems of automated design", qualification "Systems engineer".
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
In 1999 he entered postrgraduate of KazEU Almaty, specialty "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economy"
- Title: docent
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Automation of technological processes
2. Modern information systems
3. Systems of automated design
4. Automation of technological processes (advanced course)
5. Architecture of computer systems
6. Microelectronics
7. Programming technology
8. Fundamentals of computer modeling



Full name: Тen Tatyana Leonidovna

Years 1980-1985 Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Automation and mechanization of the processing and releasing the information"
- Degree: Doctor of technical sciences
In 2008 she defended her doctoral thesis on "System analysis and management of information processing" in Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev
- Title: Professor
- Teaching disciplines:
1. 1C-Accounting
2. 1C-enterprise
3. Designing the IS
4. Expert Systems
5. Modern software
6. Software of IS
7. The basis of computer modeling
8. Information theory
9. Application design
10. The system of support and decision-making
She has numerous publications in the direction of a doctoral dissertation.



Fill name: Тazhbayev Nurlan Muratovich

- Education:
Years 1994-1998 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, economist-manager
- Degree: candidate of economic sciences
- Title: docent
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Computer graphics
2. Mathematical models in computer calculations
3. Programming for the Internet
4. Information technologies in management
5. Web-technologies




Full name: Dusekeev Kanagat Abetovich

- Education:
Years 2001-2005 Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov, Faculty of mathematics, specialty 541530 - "Information systems in business"
Years 2007-2009 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty 6N0703 - «Information Systems» (Master degree)
- Academic degree: Master of information systems
- Position: teacher
- Disciplines (state lang.):
1. Architecture of computer systems
2. Algorithmic and programming languages
3. Technical Cybernetics
4. Software of IS
5. Programming in algorithmic languages



Full name: Еsmagambetov Timur Ulykmanovich

- Education:
Years 2000-2005 Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of information technologies, major in "Computer systems of information processing and management"
Years 2007-2009 Kokshetau University named after Myrzahmetov Abai, specialty "Information systems" (Master)
- Academic degree: Master of information systems
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Computer networks
2. Algorithmic and programming languages
3. Informational safety and protection of the information
4. Programming in algorithmic languages
5. Technical cybernetics



Full name: Jakypbaeva Ainagul Maratovna

- Education:
Years 1994-1998 the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "Economics and Management"
Years 2009-2011 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "Management" (Master)
- Academic degree: Master of economic sciences
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Information marketing
2. Database systems
3. Information Management
4. Analysis of the data in the IS
5. Computer technology assessment



Fill name: Мoldabekova Bibigul Kabykenovna

- Education:
Years 1977-1982 Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov, Department of physics, specialty "Physics"
2013 – master of USCO St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. Informatics
2. Information Marketing
3. New technologies in EIS
4. Design of IS
5. Database systems
6. Database and expert systems
7. Economical information systems
8. Informational Management



Full name: Ibragimova Maral Sayatovna

- Education:
Years 1995-2000 Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of information technologies, specialty "Automated information processing and management"
2013 master of USCO St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- Position: Senior teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. 1C-Accounting
2. 1C-Enterprise
3. System analysis and operations research
4. Fundamentals of computer modeling
5. Models and methods of management
6. Programming Technology
7. Information theory
8. Administration of IS
9. Programming in high-level language C #
10. Economic cybernetics



Full name: Satymbekova Saida Bazarbaevna

- Education:
Years 2003-2007 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines (state lang.):
1. Informatics
2. Computer networks
3. Informational Management
4. Economical Information Systems
5. Analysis of the data in the IS
6. Certification of hardware and software



Full name: Shalkibasova Gilnara Igibaevna

- Education:
Years 2005-2009 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
Years 2009-2011 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information Systems"
- Position: teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Operating systems
3. Reliability of IS
4. Analysis of the data in the IS
5. Informational management



Full name: Tsitsina Anna Sergeevna

- Education:
Years 2001-2005 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Accounting and finance faculty, specialty "Information systems in economy"
- Position: Teacher
- Teaching disciplines:
1. Informatics
2. Expert systems
3. 1C-Accounting
4. 1C-Enterprise
5. Reliability of IS
6. Architecture of computer systems
7. Information theory
8. Fundamentals of information systems


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