Modernization and renewal: youth for reforms

Modernization and renewal: youth for reforms

On March 28, 2022, a meeting of members of the university's information and propaganda group with student activists took place to explain the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev "New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization".
Moderator of the meeting, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Abilov K.Zh. noted: "We have received a new document that allows us to look to the future with optimism. The President of the country gave exhaustive answers to the questions of concern to society, including those concerning the political transformation of the country."
Speakers: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department "Legal Regulation of Economic Relations" Sidorova N. V., Head of the Department "State and Local Government", PhD Stavbunik E. A., as well as the moderator of the meeting explained to the audience the main initiatives of the President of the country on changing the status of the President, reformatting the representative branch of government, improving the electoral system, expanding opportunities for the development of the party system, increasing the competitiveness of the media and strengthening the role of civil society institutions, improving the administrative and territorial structure of the country and decentralizing local self-government.
The IPG members answered the students' questions.


Modernization and renewal: youth for reforms Modernization and renewal: youth for reforms Modernization and renewal: youth for reforms
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