Our student is the winner of the «Nur Qadam» award!

Our student is the winner of the «Nur Qadam» award!The Faculty of Business, rightand Technology congratulates ArtyomAntropov, a student of the FKiSM-2O-5s group, on being awarded the NurQadam youth award by the Akim of Karaganda in the Young Athlete of the Year nomination!
AntropovArtem - master of sports of international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting, champion of Asia and the World among youths, record holder, absolute champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, bronze medalist of the Asian Championship in 2021. Winner of the title "Best Athlete of 2020" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
We wish Artem health and optimism, high sporting achievements, victory at the upcoming World Weightlifting Championship!

 Our student is the winner of the «Nur Qadam» award!

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