Career Guidance Report

Career Guidance Report

Master of Marketing and Logistics, teacher Koshmaganbetova Aizhan Sergazievna, according to the plan on November 24, 2021. In the Zhanaarka region, O. Zhumabekov and B. Amalbekov met with grade 11 students, where they were armed with an understanding of many professions, in order to study the individual characteristics of students in order to form and develop professional interests and inclinations, abilities, and help graduates. choose a profession, teach students a certain profession. adaptation. In these schools, presentations were held on specialties, questionnaires were filled out, explanatory work with students was shown with demonstration of videos.
We wish all students success in the upcoming UNT and become masters of their choice.


Career Guidance Report Career Guidance Report
Career Guidance Report Career Guidance Report
Электронный университет
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