Meeting with the head of «Astana International financial center» Nur-Sultan с.

Meeting with the head of «Astana International financial center» Nur-Sultan с.

October 3, 2019 in KEUK Department "Banking management and financial markets" organized a meeting with the head of the AIFC Alibaev N.S, with the participation of students majoring in "Finance".
The purpose of this event is to familiarize with the activities of the AIFC and cooperation with the organization.
Astana international financial center ( AIFC) is a financial hub for the countries of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the EAEU, the Middle East, Western China, Mongolia and Europe. The AIFC will be located on the territory of EXPO-2017 and will use modern infrastructure and advanced technologies.
The main activities of the AIFC are capital market development, asset management, wealth management of wealthy individuals, Islamic Finance, new financial technologies.
Following the meeting, students received a lot of information about the AIFC asked questions and showed that they are ready for close cooperation with the organization.


Meeting with the head of «Astana International financial center» Nur-Sultan с. Meeting with the head of «Astana International financial center» Nur-Sultan с. Meeting with the head of «Astana International financial center» Nur-Sultan с.
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