"Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country»

"Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country»Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption, Kazguu University. M. S. narikbaev and ALE "Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan" jointly with JSC "Center for international programs" held a national youth Forum on combating corruption "Adal Zhastar-elms Glenn cal" dedicated to Year of youth.
The large-scale event was attended by more than 300 people, the theme of the speeches were the involvement of young people in the fight against corruption, anti-corruption work in education, moral education of the young generation and the formation of "Zero Tolerance" to corruption in civil society

Nurbol Janibekov (Student of group th-32):” All the speakers were unanimous in their opinion: anti-corruption education begins with the family, so young people must first confront this social problem. As a result of the forum, a number of specific recommendations and proposals will be formed.”


"Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country» "Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country»
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