Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of Karaganda

Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of KaragandaApril 22, 2019 in cooperation with the PF "Ana Uyi" Karaganda held a platinum lecture with representatives of the Fund in the face of Zholbaeva Nadezhda for students of the Department of "Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan". The lecture was held in the context of the courses "Social work with family and children", "Social work with women", "Social work with orphans and children left without parental care".
During the lecture, students got acquainted with the main activities of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" and its directions. Special attention was paid to the activities of the social worker in the work OF "Ana Uyi" of Karaganda, namely, the technology of social work with a young family, social protection of single mothers, etc. The social video "Early pregnancy: how to prevent it and what to do if it happened?". In General, the lecture was held for students productively, learned a lot of new and interesting things. To consolidate the theoretical material studied in the courses is planned in the month of may the field trip, the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" of Karaganda.


Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of Karaganda Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of Karaganda
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