Academic mobility

Academic mobilityStudents of the group SW-23sk specialty "Social Work" from 06.02.2017 to 30.06.2017 received training in academic mobility at Belgorod State University "NIU" in the city of Belgorod. During the academic mobility under the leadership of BelSU "NIU" was held the 2nd international forum of youth of the SCO countries. According to the students, a lot of modern teaching methods were used in the teaching process, which give students the logical thinking and analysis, to draw independent conclusions. And also, the education in BelSU gave the students the opportunity to fill life with various sports and cultural events.
The students express deep gratitude to the rector of KEUK Aimagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich and to the Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines for the opportunity to study abroad in the framework of academic mobility! Our students recommend becoming participants of academic mobility to everyone who is looking for new experience and impressions.


Academic mobility Academic mobility
Электронный университет
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