Rights and duties of doctoral students


Internal regulatory methodological documentation


Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is one of the leading economic universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which trains highly qualified specialists with knowledge and competence in the field of priority areas of social, economic and political development of the country. This is achieved through the use of innovative and interactive teaching methods supported by the latest technology and a powerful material and technical base of the University.
Doctoral program as a program of training of highly qualified researchers is among the most important priorities of the University.

The University training of PhD students is conducted in 3 specialties:




The term of study in doctoral studies-3 years.
Form of training-full-time, on a paid basis (at the expense of own funds of citizens and other sources) and on the basis of the state order.
Educational programs of doctoral studies are based on enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities aimed at training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of Economics.
The basis of the fundamental educational program of doctoral studies is the author's courses, Professor's scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.Scientific and applied research is carried out in the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the research Institute "Economic and legal research", as well as the work of the scientific consortium "KEU-Institute for regional development", specialized training and research laboratories and offices.
Since 2012, the University provides targeted training of PhD doctors, doctors in the profile for domestic universities and research organizations, since 2015 – for foreign ones.
Stable positions of the University as a strategic partner allowed to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research, academic mobility, organization of scientific internships, including: Sofia University.St.Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Sofia Technical University (Bulgaria), national Academy of management (Mongolia), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), Santiago de Compostella University (Spain), Saint-Istvan University (Hungary), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic).
Educational programs of postgraduate education are accredited by domestic and foreign agencies.

Admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of postgraduate education

According to the Standard rules of admission to educational institutions, implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, approved by the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 600 admission of applications for doctoral Universities is carried out by the selection Committee.

The deadline for applications is from 3 to 25 July of the calendar year.

Entrance examinations in foreign languages, specialty and complex testing are held from 8 to 16 August of the calendar year, enrollment - until 28 August of the calendar year.
Persons entering the doctoral program provide international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the common European competence (standards) of foreign language proficiency and pass the entrance exam for groups of doctoral educational programs.
Persons who have international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency:
English: Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (Test ov inglish AZ and forin of Languge Institucional Testing programs) (TOEFL ITP (TOEFL AYTIPI) – not less than 460 points), Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (Test ov inglish AZ and forin of Languge Institucional Testing programs) Internet-based Test (Internet based test) (TOEFL IBT (TOEFL of HIBITI), threshold score – at least 87), (TOEFL (TOEFL) threshold score – not less than 560 points), International English Language Tests System (International English Language Tests System (IELTS), threshold score-not less than 5.5);
German language: Deutsche Sprachpruеfung fuеr den Hochschulzugang (Deutsche sprachprufung für Dein hochkulturen) (DSH, Niveau C1/C1 level), TestDaFPrufung (TestDaF-profun) (Niveau C1/C1 level);
French: Test de Franзais International -Test de français international (TFI (TFI) – is not below the level B1 in sections reading and listening), Diplome d'etudes en Langue franзaise - Diploma datum EN lang
française (DELF (DELF), B2 level), Diplome de Langue It franзaise - Diploma Approfondi de Lange française (DALF (DALF), level C1),Test de connaissance du franзais Test de Connaissance du français (TCF(TSF) - not less than 400 points).
The authenticity of the submitted certificates is checked by the admission commissions of Universities and scientific organizations.

Admission of persons to doctoral studies

Admission to the number of doctoral students is carried out by the admission commissions of Universities and research organizations on the basis of the entrance exam for groups of educational programs of doctoral studies and a certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the European competence (standards) of foreign language proficiency.

Admission to the state educational order

Persons who have received the highest scores in the entrance exams in the amount of not less than 150 points are enrolled to study for a doctoral degree on an educational grant on a competitive basis.
Persons entering the doctoral program, submit the following documents to the UNIVERSITY:
• copy of identity document;
• a copy of the document on education;
• international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency;
• list of scientific and methodological works (if any);
• six photos, size 3x4 cm;
• medical certificate form 086-U, approved by order No. 907;
• personal personnel record sheet or other document confirming employment, certified by the personnel service at the place of work.
• list of scientific and methodological works (if any).
Together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification. After verification, the originals are returned.

For all questions of admission to doctoral studies, You can contact the Department of postgraduate and additional education KEU
by phone 44-15-88
44-16-24, 44-16-34 (EXT. 199)
Address: 9, Akademicheskaya street, Karaganda, 100009, KAB. 264
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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By taxi: № № 30, 31
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