Department of Ecology and Evaluation


General information about the department. History of the department.

Department of Ecology and Assessment was established in 2001 at the Department of Statistics and EDI. Department of Statistics was established in 1969godu. the first head of department was associate professor M.Serkebaev who headed it until April 1978goda.
From April 1978 to 1997. department was headed by Professor E.A.Almazhanov.
From 1998 to 2004. department was headed by Professor Rakhimzhanova RI
From 2004 to 2006, the department was headed by Professor Kulumbetova LB
From February to September 2006, the department was headed by Professor KS Ainabekov
From September 2006 to September 2007 the department was headed by Associate Professor Terzhanova AZ
Postdoctoral chair again topped professor Kulumbetova LB
Since 2014 the department is headed by Dr., Associate Professor GG Baikenov
Currently the department has 15 people, including 2 doctors, 7 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 3 masters. Ostepenennyh the department is - 50%, including 1 Doctor of Science, Doctor of Economics 1 and 7 candidates.
In accordance with the mission of the university goal of innovative development of the department "Ecology and Assessment" - to determine the conditions and mechanisms for achieving them, that:
- Provide qualitative changes in educational programs, training, teaching, research and educational process, to provide opportunities for students to develop as a spiritual, creative and healthy personality in accordance with the requirements of the modern development of the region;
- Create conditions for the interested public participation in the development of education;
- Will fully take into account the social needs of the various groups;
- Will contribute to the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainable socio-economic development of the Karaganda region.
To achieve this goal the activities of teachers of the department based on the following principles:
- The principle of priority development of education;
- The principle of designing innovative development;
- The principle of openness of education and public participation;
- The principle of continuity of education;
- The principle of innovative educational environment.
The department conducts training in two specialties:

Achievements of the Chair

Head. the Department Baikenov GG
In 1994, Fellows im.Aythozhina. In 2007, she took part and won Inter-national certificates in international training courses for specialists from Central Asia and the Russian-these on the application of information network technology, which took place in Urumqi China. In the 2006-2007 academic year, is a member of the MES to check on compliance with the legislation of Kazakhstan on education. Repeatedly awarded certificates and letters of thanks from the regional Trade Union of Education and Science; in 2007. awarded with the diploma Akim of Karaganda region, thank-you letter from the Department of Education of Karaganda region. Awarded the medal "25 years CHU" "For high achievements in the development of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry Central-tion of Kazakhstan" by the order №14 - LS-04.12.2013 gInstituta organic synthesis and HS-lehimii the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the eve of the national holiday - Independence Day-sti the Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate Professor Duzbaeva NM
Awards: Certificate for a successful and fruitful work with gifted children to develop the skills of research (Department of Education of Karaganda region, 2012.) Diploma of 1 degree for the preparation of the prize-winner of the Republican conference, local historians, naturalists and tourists "Kazakhstan - Menin Elim" in the direction of "Nature and Ecology" (2013), Diploma of Association

Associate Professor Chergizova BT
Thanks PA "EcoObraz" for assistance in the implementation of the international project "The impact of illegal dumping on chemical safety Karaganda region" October 2014g.Blagodarstvennoe letter for the preparation of participants within mezhregionalnogokonkusra with international participation "Decade of Ecology 2
014 "Omsk, 2014

Dear students and visitors of the Department of Ecology and evaluation of information technology faculty! Welcome and I hope that your visit to our site will be useful for you and informative
Thank you for your interest in our department
Department of Ecology and evaluation, despite his relative youth, has already been a number of well-deserved success and prepares modern, highly qualified professionals, whose main objective is improving the level and quality of life.
The department trains specialists: bachelors in specialty ecology and bachelor's and master's degree assessment.
We are actively cooperating with organizations and employers at various levels, from state and municipal governments to private commercial enterprises, which our students are constantly practice.
The department is actively uchuvstvuyut in all scientific activities of the University, and regularly conducts independently, conferences, seminars, round tables, public lectures, forums, teleconferences. Our guests with open lectures are often representatives of the state, regional authorities, well-known businessmen, etc. Our students are showing interest in all aspects of society and enjoy visiting lectures.
For students studying at the department are specially equipped classrooms.
Staff of the department consists of experienced teachers, among whom there are doctors and candidates of sciences. Significant result of methodical work of employees of the department is to write many textbooks and teaching materials,
The Department does not remain aloof from the social life of both the university and in the whole country. Our students actively uchuvstvuyut in scientific and social activities. The department operates scientific and creative youth clubs and more.
In our department employs highly qualified professionals, including practice. We are ready to dialogue with all stakeholders. Our doors are always open for cooperation.
Successfully conducted at the Department of scientific work, as well as the student's scientific work of the SSS, which took prizes at the annual conferences. I hope that this kind of activity and join you. In the future, you can join the ranks of our employees.
The department is attentive to students' suggestions for improving a particular aspect of the educational process and keeps them feedback.
In conclusion, I wish you success in gaining knowledge.




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