Staff of the department DEE

Baikenov Gulzhan Gausilevna, D.Sc., Associate Professor. Powered by the department since September 2012. Head of the Department.
In 1986 she graduated from Karaganda State University. EA Buketova.V 1994 stipendiantim.Aythozhina. In January 1995, she defended her thesis. In December 2003 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science.
From 2004 to 2007. was a member of the Dissertation Council OD 53.39.01 at IES RK, from 2008 to 2010. - Dissertation Council OD 07.14.01 at KSU them. EA Buketova.Opublikovano over 100 scientific papers
  Isabaev Asylkhan Sagyntaevich - Ph.D., associate professor, working at the department since 2001. Opublikovno 29 scientific articles, published 4 textbooks "Ecology", "Valuation of land and land cadastre", "Catalysis in the processing of fossil fuels," "Soil". Passed training, has 3 certificates for assessment and 2 intrahigh certificate. Is responsible for methodical provision in absentia-remote office.
  Bokenchina Kenzhetaev Bekbulatovna working at the department since 1998. He has scientific publications, has published a textbook "Valuation of Intellectual Property", "Environmental Economics". Have been training in RSE "Real Estate Center." At the department is responsible for the employment of graduates.
  Yurtaeva Tatyana senior lecturer working at the department since 1980. During his work have been training in the Statistical Office of Karaganda, in the Moscow economic - statistical institute. He has scientific publications. You-let tutorials on the subject "Statistics", "Social Statistics". At the moment, has held the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Turgambaeva Nurzada Abduakasovna - Senior Lecturer, works at the university since 1976. Released tutorials on the basics of safety of human life at the state and Russian languages. Took a refresher course on "Basics of Life Safety" in Almaty, training in the use of programs and WebProfessor TAMOS CreditLearning with awarding the certificate. At the department in charge of methodological support distantsionngo training.
Mazhitova Saul Kalievna - Ph.D., associate professor, working at the department since 2003, after graduate school. On readable disciplines "Statistics", "Real estate and insurance", "Economics of Real Estate", "Business Valuation" developed educational-methodical complexes. Published 3 manuals, 1 book (co-authored), more than 20 scientific publications. Participated in conferences years. Almaty, Karaganda, Astana, Petropavlovsk, as well as in Russia (Voronezh), Ukraine and Belarus (Gomel).
Had an internship at the Financial University of the Russian Federation, estimated the company, participated in the seminars held by the Kazakhstan Association of Appraisers.
Duzbaeva Nazir Matkerimovna - PhD, associate professor, working at the Department since September of 2013. From 1993 to 1997 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences gg.obuchalas Almaty State University. Abaya. From 1997 to 1999. studied at the master's degree in "Biology" named University. In 2010 she defended her thesis on the specialty "14.00.07-hygiene." Is the adviser of the department, specialty "Ecology". Readable disciplines: ecology and sustainable development, environmental monitoring, geo-ecology, bioecology, fundamentals of radiation ecology, ecology of Kazakhstan, global ecology.
Universities of Kazakhstan (2013). The total number of scientific publications: 31 scientific articles, 4 methodical recommendations, 1 textbook.
Chergizova Bibigul Tulegenovna - PhD, associate professor, working at the department since 2009. In 1990 she graduated from the Faculty of Biology, specialty "Human and animal physiology" of Karaganda State University. EA Buketova. In 2000 he successfully defended his thesis. Has 47 scientific publications, including 6 acts implementation, information sheets 4 and 4 teaching aids. Is responsible for the department for research work.
Srailova Gulnara Naltaevna - Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University of work since 2000. In 2006 he defended his thesis on "Financing to professional education." Has 16 scientific works, including 1 textbook "Fundamentals Realtor and development activities" and 15 scientific papers, certificate of Kazakhstan Association of Appraisers for the course "Assessment of movable and immovable property," the department postgraduate and further education on the topic "Basics of Designing the electronic textbook" and "Business Communication" on nations-lic language.
Training courses to improve the skills: "Innovative technologies in the learning process" (2009), "Methods of teaching in a distance learning technology" (2012).
Puhnyarskaya Irina - Ph.D., associate professor, working at the department since 2009. In 2007 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences, published 20 scientific articles. Has published a textbook on the subject "Environment and Sustainable Development." Is responsible for the professional work at the department.
Krivoguzova Natalia A. - Master of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer, a graduate of the university, working at the department since 1990. Has published a textbook on the subject "Economic Analysis", "Management Analysis", "Financial Analysis", "Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects." Took courses use program LMS WebProfessor; courses program TAMOS CreditLearning; course on "Technologies and methods of teaching spets.distsiplin." Has 8 scientific publications. At the department is responsible for the educational works.
Sadykova AygulKusainovna -magistr Economic Sciences, is working at the department since 1997. At the department is responsible for the educational work. Took courses in English; QMS courses; training programs, use my LMS WebProfessor; courses program TAMOS CreditLearning.
Dosmagambetova Bahtygul Bahtybalinovna - senior lecturer, a graduate of the university, working at the department since 1997. In 2008 she graduated from the Faculty of Education KEUK, with the qualification "Bachelor of vocational training." Took courses use program LMS WebProfessor; courses program TAMOS CreditLearning; courses on "Innovative approaches to teaching methodology of disciplines", "Methods of video lectures", "Methods razarabotkiuchebnyh presentations at the university." Has undergone training on the course "Assessment of movable property" in the Office of Examination IP Vorobeva V. Released a textbook "Baғalaudyң teoriyalyқ negіzderі." At the department is responsible for training, industrial practice.
Bokenchina Laura Kurymbaevna graduate of this university, working at the University since 2006, in 2006 graduated from Master's degree in "economics". Studied in graduate school. He has scientific publications. Has 7 scientific publikatsiy.Proshla English language courses, courses QMS.
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