The educational program 6B10201 “Social work” is aimed at personnel training with the award of the academic degree “Bachelor of Social Security” in the specialty 6B10201 - “Social work”.
Bachelor in services, specialty 6B10201 -Social work carries out its professional activities in the field of services: social services, social protection, education, health, culture, penitentiary system.
Spheres of professional activity of graduates of specialty Social work”:
- State institutions.
- Akimats.
- Medical and social institutions.
- Employment centers.
- Polyclinics.
- Organization of education.
- Rehabilitation centers.
- Public service centers (PSC).
- State centers for pension payment (SCPP).
- Public funds
- A charitable organization.
- Medical and social institutions for the elderly and disabled.
- Social assistance centres for families and children.
- Youth organizations and associations.
- SOS Children’s villages.
- Non-profit organizations (NPOs).
Profile subjects (UNT)- Geography, Biology
Profile subjects (on the basis of secondary vocational education) – History of Kazakhstan, The organization of work of social institutions.
Graduates of the Vet institutions on related specialties, applicants for training on an abbreviated form:
- 050101 3 Specialist of social work
- 050102 3 Specialist in organizations of social protection of the population


Электронный университет
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