The educational program “Basics of law and economics” is aimed at training specialists with the award of the academic degree “bachelor of education” in 6В01401 “Basics of law and economics”.
Graduate of the specialty “Basics of law and economics”carries out its professional activities in the field of education:
- General educational institutions (schools, high schools, lyceums).
- Specialized school.
- Organization of technical and vocational education (colleges, schools).
- Administrative bodies of education.
- Research institutes.
- Training institutes.
- Publishers, libraries.
- Rooms of pedagogical, economic and legal education.
Profile subjects (UNT) - World history, geography.
Profiling subjects (on the basis of secondary vocational education) - the Basics of pedagogy and psychology, the Basics of law and economics.
Graduates of the Vet institutions on related specialties, applicants for training on an abbreviated form:
020100 0 Jurisprudence
020101 3 Lawyer
020102 3 legal Adviser
0202000 law Enforcement
020201 3 Lawyer
0203000 Patenting
020301 3 Technician
050100 0 Social work
050101 3 Specialist of social work
050102 3 Specialist in the organizations of social protection of the population
051600 0 Finance (by industry)
051605 3 Economist for financial work
051606 4 Applied bachelor of Finance
0517000 Statistics
051701 3 Statistics
051800 0 Accounting and auditing (by industry)
051802 3 Accountant-auditor (auditor)
051803 3 Economist-accountant
051805 4 Applied bachelor of accounting and auditing
051900 0 Economy (according to branches)
051902 3 Economist
051903 3 labour economist
051904 4 Applied bachelor of Economics

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ