Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice

Training psychologists: new knowledge and practiceThe Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work on 28.09.2022 organized a meeting with the psychologist of the Center for Restorative Medicine "Kinesis" A.R. Shirokova and 2nd year students of the OP "Psychology and Management in Education" in order to answer the following questions: "What do you need to become a professional in your field? How can I learn more about the professional activity of a practical psychologist, about modern ways of providing psychological assistance?".
Alexandra Ruslanovna presented the program of the seminar "Body-oriented psychotherapy", told about the upcoming courses and trainings in which our students can take part. Communication with a practical psychologist is always interesting and informative, because they really apply psychological theory in working with people.
And this meeting motivates students to get acquainted with psychotechnologies and methods of professional activity. Our cooperation continues. We are waiting for new meetings!


Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice
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