2,350 grants are allocated by the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation for school graduates and students

2,350 grants are allocated by the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation for school graduates and students

The Fund "Kazakhstan khalkyna" decided to increase the number of grants under the Charitable program "Educational grants" Public Foundation "Kazakhstan khalkyna". In total, up to 2,350 grants will be allocated for students and applicants for undergraduate programs, as well as a fixed scholarship amount of 40,000 tenge. Initially, it was planned to allocate 360 ​​grants, but due to the large number of applications, this number was increased. The criteria for selecting applicants for an educational grant can be found on the website of the PF "Kazakhstan khalkyna": - qazaqstanhalqyna.kz/ru/programs/17-charity-ru/190 Acceptance of applications for the award of grants from applicants and students as part of the implementation of the Charitable program "Educational Grants" of the PF "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" has already started. The number of educational grants and scholarships for applicants has been increased to 10 grants for each OVPO, for national OVPO - up to 20 grants. The total number of educational grants and scholarships of the Foundation for applicants for the 2022-2023 academic year will be 850. The Foundation provides grants with scholarships for applicants who have not received a state or other grant to pay for higher education in undergraduate programs in the following categories:  from low-income rural families;

- persons belonging to orphans and left without parental care until the age of majority;

- Persons with disabilities, including those with disabilities. It should be noted that grants are awarded to applicants who have passed the UNT and, based on its results, have scored the necessary passing score for admission to the OVPO. Applicants (applicants) for an educational grant from the PF "Kazakhstan khalkyna" apply to the selection committee of the selected organization of higher and postgraduate education (OVPO) in the period from 10 to 17 August 2022. The selection of applicants for a grant from the PF "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" among applicants is carried out by the admissions or any other Commission operating under the OVPO (universities) as part of the implementation of educational grants. There is also an opportunity for students studying in paid departments of OVPO to continue their education at the expense of the “Kazakhstan Khalkyna” Fund. The number of educational grants for active students of the OVPO has been increased to 1500, without determining the quota for each OVPO. Students who are persons can take part in the competition:

- with disabilities, including those with disabilities;

- orphans or left without parental care until the age of majority;

- from low-income rural families;

- from single-parent families raising children with disabilities;

- students whose parents/parents are persons with disabilities. Students to receive a grant and scholarships from the PF "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" submit online applications from August 1 to 25 on the website of the NGO "Taiburyl": taiburyl.kz. KAZGUU students apply on the website of the Corporate Fund "KAZGUU Endowment": endowment.kazguu.kz NGO "Taiburyl" and CF "Endowment KAZGUU" are partners of the Program, provide free of charge their technical platform for receiving and processing applications from students (studied in paid departments of OVPO and wishing to continue their education at the expense of the Fund), thus they are partners of the Fund in the implementation of the Charitable program "Educational grants of PF "Kazakhstan Khalkyna". The selection of applicants for a grant among students is carried out by the Commission established under the NGO "Taiburyl" and CF "Endowment KAZGUU". The limit on the cost of education is up to 1 million tenge for each student-grantee, if the annual cost of student education is more than 1 million tenge, the difference, that is, the amount exceeding 1 million tenge, must be paid by the student-grantee. Recall that 79 educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education (HEEP) and 2 charitable organizations in the field of education take part in the Charitable program "Educational grants of the PF "Kazakhstan khalkyna" and 2 charitable organizations in the field of education: NGO" Taiburyl "and CF" Endowment KAZGUU ". The list of educational institutions, contact numbers of the admission committees participating in the Program and detailed information are published on the website of the PF "Kazakhstan halkyna" - qazaqstanhalqyna.kz Grants and scholarships allocated by the Foundation are gratuitous assistance. The amount is non-refundable and after the completion of the training, the grant holder is not obliged to “work off” the funds spent on his training. Grantees must meet the academic requirements of the host university and are required to complete the full course of study during the program. Failure to do so may result in termination of financial support.



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