Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"

Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"

April 18-22, 2022, the Department of World Economy and International Relations celebrated its 10th anniversary.

All the week the department held events, including: the intellectual game "Brain Ring" among students of 2-3 courses, a platinum lecture by a foreign professor, an international scientific and practical conference with a wide geography of participants from countries near and far abroad, as well as an Olympiad for school and college students.

The anniversary week of the department ended on April 22, 2022 with a solemn meeting of the department staff, students, as well as our guests - friends and partners of the department.

10 years is quite a bit by the standards of the history of the university. But this period of time has passed, and we have reason to look back, to give ourselves an account of what has been done and what has not, what remains to be done. All this is necessary in order to remain competitive in the market of educational services.

Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"Anniversary week of the department "World Economy and International Relations"

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