Platinum lecture "Deviant behavior of adolescents, its causes and problems of prevention and overcoming”

Platinum lecture "Deviant behavior of adolescents, its causes and problems of prevention and overcoming”

One of the tasks of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is the collaboration of scientists from foreign countries in the development of implemented educational programs. The practiced "guest lectures" are a unique platform where speakers can share their valuable knowledge and unique experience. It is doubly valuable when well-known foreign scientists who have achieved high authority in the scientific and educational community far beyond the borders of their country respond to the meeting.
For students of the educational programs "Fundamentals of Law and Economics", "Psychology and Management in Education", "Social Work", "Physical Culture and Sports Management" and teaching staff of the department, a "platinum" lecture was delivered by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Social Rehabilitation of the Russian State Social University of Moscow, Lev Vladimirovich Mardakhaev on the topic "Deviant behavior of adolescents, its causes and problems of prevention and overcoming". During the lecture, students strengthened their knowledge about the process and mechanisms of socialization of adolescents, institutions and agents of socialization, factors and causes of deviant behavior. Lev Vladimirovich noted the special role of teamwork of teachers, social workers and psychologists in the formation of a favorable social environment for the development of children.
Students and teachers of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work express their gratitude to Professor Lev Vladimirovich Mardakhaev, who by his example confirms the immutable truth: "Successful people are always looking for an opportunity to inspire and help others!"


Platinum lecture "Deviant behavior of adolescents, its causes and problems of prevention and overcoming” Platinum lecture "Deviant behavior of adolescents, its causes and problems of prevention and overcoming”
Электронный университет
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