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Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy»

Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy»

Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy» was held in October-December 2021 in St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg State University.
The goal of the Petropolitan Science (Re)Search was aimed at encouraging talented young specialists with deep knowledge and a broad scientific outlook, specialists who are ready to develop science in the future, including in border areas.
The structure of the Olympiad was designed specifically to help participants to fully reveal their research and creative abilities, to show knowledge in their chosen scientific field. The Olympiad includes various types of tasks:
• creation of research papers and subsequent public presentation of the results of their work in the format of protection;
• solving tasks and completing test tasks;
• additional written assignments - answers to questions.
The student of the WE-18-2 group, specialty «World Economy» Turkeshev Yerassyl took part in the national team of the foreign team, where, as part of the national team of foreign students, he passed all competitive rounds and became the winner of the Olympiad on «World Economy».
Team List:
1. Blanche de Montaignac de Chauvance
2. Gülseran Akay
3. Jesse Nevalainen
4. Léonie Chalopin
5. Nijat Maharramov
6. Yerassyl Turkeshev
The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the winner.

 Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy»

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