«Spiritual and moral education among young people»

«Spiritual and moral education among young people»

The Dean of the faculty of business, law and technology held a meeting with the head of advocacy, analytical, counter-propaganda work of the Center for the study and analysis of problems of the interfaith relations of the Karaganda region Dalabaeva Gulnar Bekenovna on the topic "Spiritually-moral education among young people." Moral education of the country's citizens in the future is one of the issues on the agenda today. The formation of their sense of patriotism, high moral dignity, cognitive attitudes, spiritual and moral values is a great necessity. The meeting touched upon the formation of spiritual and moral values among young people, theoretical justification on the way to overcoming any difficulties, an exchange of views with students and answers to questions.



«Spiritual and moral education among young people» «Spiritual and moral education among young people»
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