Open curatorial hour «How did the pandemic affect the economy of Kazakhstan?»

Open curatorial hour «How did the pandemic affect the economy of Kazakhstan?»

On 11.11.2020, the Department of «Accounting and audit» held an open curatorial hour on the topic «How did the pandemic affect the economy of Kazakhstan?» according to the plan of the open curatorial hour and the anti-crisis plan for educational work.»
The purpose of the curatorial hour: to reveal the question «What is the situation of the Kazakh economy today and what problems and difficulties have arisen as a result of the pandemic?»
To disclose these issues, students of the UA-42 group prepared and presented reports and presentations, where they considered the information not only within the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also compared it with other countries such as the United Kingdom, China, Turkey, Germany and Russia.
Moderators of the event: responsible for the educational work of the Department «Accounting and audit» master of accounting and audit, senior teacher Musipova L. K. and curator of the group UA-42 master of economic Sciences, senior teacher Nurzhanova I. S.


Open curatorial hour «How did the pandemic affect the economy of Kazakhstan?» Open curatorial hour «How did the pandemic affect the economy of Kazakhstan?»
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