Annual language Contest “Multilingual graduate”

Annual language Contest “Multilingual graduate”

The annual language contest of foreign languages (English, Kazakh, Russian) among students of schools and colleges of Karaganda city was held by the Chair of Russian and Foreign languages.
60 students took part in the contest, 14 schools of Karaganda, Temirtau and Zhezkazgan applied. There were 2 parts of the language contest: testing and presentation in 3 languages. The winners were awarded with diplomas.

The winners:

1st place – Zaitova S.: “Murager”, Karaganda city
1st place – Sadubayeva M., Tsay Anastasiya, Gymnasium №38, Karaganda

2nd place – Bocharova D.: Gymnasium №1, Karaganda city
2nd place – Tsay Alina.: “Murager”, Karaganda city

3rd place – Sagitova A.: Gymnasium №1, Karaganda city
3rd place – Kunaeva A.: “Murager”, Karaganda city

We thank all students for active participation !!!

Also, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Aubakirova G.T. conducted the seminar for school teachers: "Differentiated approach in different-level groups in English lessons." All participants were awarded with certificates.



Annual language Contest “Multilingual graduate”

Annual language Contest “Multilingual graduate”

Annual language Contest “Multilingual graduate”

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ