International scientific and practical seminar «Spirituality and creativity-priorities of modern education»

International scientific and practical seminar «Spirituality and creativity-priorities of modern education»The Department "Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” in the framework of the Program «Ruhanijangyru» held the international scientific-practical seminar "Spirituality and creativity - the priorities of modern education", which was attended by the heads and employees of state agencies, non-governmental organizations, ethnocultural associations, domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.

Great interest and lively discussion was aroused by doctor of Economics, associate Professor at the Thracian University in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) GenchoVylchev the "Social protection: the European experience" and the Director of "Center of social services" (Kazakhstan) Svetlana Ponomareva, "Creativity as a means of social rehabilitation of people with disabilities".

The participants of the seminar unanimously expressed the opinion that education will become an effective factor of economic and social development of society only through an appeal to the individual, his spiritual world and creative potential.

International scientific and practical seminar «Spirituality and creativity-priorities of modern education»

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