The decade of the department "Marketing and Logistics"

The decade of the department "Marketing and Logistics"October 11 -Opening of decade. Competition for the best wall newspaper-congratulation "The best profession is ..." (time 11-50, 289 audience).
October 12 - Business game "Route of logistician 2016" (Central Park of Karaganda, involving 1-4 courses specialty "Logistics")
October 14 - Essay competition on the theme: "Why did I choose this profession?" (1 course involved students of specialties "Marketing" and "Logistics").
October 19 - The conference, topic " НУРЛЫ ЖОЛ: CURRENT TRENDS" (open to all specialty AFD) (Time of 14-00, 289 audience).
October 20 - Competition on the best video about Advertising the Specialty (participating all students of disciplines of the course "Marketing" and "Logistics").
October 21 - "Open Day" the Department "Marketing and Logistics"
October 21 - The business game on the day of marketer. Summarizing decades, the award winners. (12-00 times, 289 audience).


The decade of the department "Marketing and Logistics"

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