Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .»

Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» 7 April 2016 class on the topic - IVS of the Department in conjunction with the LP " Epam Kazakhstan» Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» EPAM Systems - the largest IT - company that can offer its customers a full range of services and competencies for the design and development of enterprise IT systems. The program of the master class was attended by Ainur Zhaparova - Talent Acquisition Assistant, Alexander Gunger – Senior Software Engineer, Alexey Slepenkov - Junior Software Engineer staff of the department "ITT" and P ( D ) to the " Mathematics and Informatics " KEBP , students of 1-4 courses and KEBP DEs .


Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .»
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