"Ideas that change the world."

"Ideas that change the world."From 28 to 30 March 2016 the delegation of the University from among the best students, activists of all faculties took part in a series of two-day training seminar "Ideas to change the world", held on the base SE "First President of Kazakhstan Library - Leader of the Nation" (Astana)
The purpose of the seminar - the study of conceptual ideas and global initiatives of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation NA Nazarbayev, allowing to expand the circle of the younger generation of knowledge about the history of Kazakhstan and contribute to the formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism in his values.
The program included training sessions and cultural events.
As part of the study of the Plan of the Nation - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to listeners of the seminar included lectures on the topics:
"The formation of the modern state apparatus"
"Upholding the Rule of Law", "Industrialization and economic growth", "A nation united future", "transparent accountability to the government," the practical training at the interactive tables.
Cultural activities included a visit to the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Museum of the First President of Kazakhstan.


"Ideas that change the world." "Ideas that change the world."
"Ideas that change the world." "Ideas that change the world."
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