Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care"

Off-site lesson on the topic "Social work in the field of health care"

The Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz develops cooperation with social institutions and organizations of Karaganda - participants of the educational-scientific-production complex “Damu”.
As part of the study of the courses "Social Gerontology", "Social Policy", an off-site lesson was held for students of the educational program "Social Work" on the basis of the socio-psychological service of LLP MF "Hippocrates".
During the lesson, Deputy Director of the Social and Psychological Service, specialist in social work Nesterova V.A. acquainted students with the State Program for the Development of Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, a multidisciplinary approach to the work of primary health care in Kazakhstan, methods and technologies of social work at the level of primary medical and social assistance, revealed ways to improve the availability of socially significant services for vulnerable groups with health problems


Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment»

Platinum lecture on «Social work in the field of employment»

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz considers the involvement of practicing specialists in teaching a priority.
As part of the study of the courses "Employment of the population and its regulation", "Methods and technologies of social work", the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work invited Mukash Zh.ZH., chief specialist, social worker of the KSU "Employment Center" Shakhtinsk to read to students of the educational program "Social Work" a "platinum" lecture on "Social work in employment".
The lecture highlighted the role of social work as a driver of socio-economic modernization in Kazakhstan, analyzed the regulatory framework for ensuring employment of the population, revealed the role of social workers in the activities of employment centers, in the implementation of their individual program to provide targeted social assistance.

The topic and the headings of the conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the University.Altynsarina on November 12, 2021.

The topic and the headings of the conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the University.Altynsarina on November 12, 2021.

On November 12, 2021, the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is holding a Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic «National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan», dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin.

To participate in the conference are invited: teachers of secondary schools and TVE organizations, educational psychologists, social educators, practicing psychologists, scientific and pedagogical workers, psychologists, heads and specialists of education departments, doctoral students and undergraduates.

To participate in the conference, it is necessary to submit to the email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of the Organizing Committee an electronic version of the report, an application for participation (in accordance with the attachments) and an anti-plagiarism report (originality - at least 70%).

Conference format: online, through the Zoom platform. Participation in the conference is free. Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian.

Youth of Kazakhstan - for a future without drugs!

Youth of Kazakhstan - for a future without drugs!

On September 28-30, 2021, thematic meetings and an action in the form of a photo exhibition were held among students of the 1-3 courses of the university under the motto "Youth of Kazakhstan - for a future without drugs!" with employees of the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the Police Department of the Karaganda region.

The event is aimed at informing young people about the preservation and promotion of health, where one of the important directions is to attract the attention of students to the existing problem of drug addiction in society and the harmful effects of the use of synthetic drugs.



On September 24, 2021, the first DEMONSTRATION SESSION of SIMULTANEOUS CHESS was held with the international Chess Master (IM) Ayan Akhmetov. Students of our university and college tried their hand against the International master in chess.
By order of the Department for youth policy of the Karaganda region, this event was held on the eve of the regional Chess Tournament among students of universities and colleges of the Karaganda region.
The purpose of the tournament is to determine the strongest boys and girls in chess among students of universities and colleges of the Karaganda region. The prize fund of the final tournament is 500,000 tenge.

Opening of the "Job Fair 2021"

Opening of the "Job Fair 2021"With the beginning of the academic year, we begin a cycle of company presentations within the framework of the annual "Job Fair".
The first company this year was the branch of JSC "Nurbank" in Karaganda. The meeting took place on September 20 this year at the ZOOM site.
The product line of Nurbank JSC currently fully meets the requirements of the market. This fact is especially important for young professionals, whom the bank expects to see among our graduates.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director for Retail Business of Nurbank JSC in Karaganda, Artykbayev Aydin Rashidovich and the head of the commodity lending department Linnik Valentina Petrovna, as well as graduate students of our university.
Dear students, if you have an interest in working at this bank, you want to do an internship or internship there, please contact the Resource Center (office 107).
Follow the news in the group in Contact ★ KEU┃Employment ★ I WANT TO WORK ★, on the Instagram page @resource_center_karuk.
Be sure to subscribe!

Republican online conference

Republican online conference

On September 17, 2021 at 10.40 a republican online conference "Address-2021: The future begins today" was organized by teachers of Karaganda University, Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, Department of "Socio-political disciplines and the APK" of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The purpose of the Republican online conference among students:

In order to stand shoulder to shoulder with developed countries, we must be open-minded, open-minded and free-thinking. To do this, the younger generation, which will have the future of our country, must be educated. Only deep knowledge and perfect culture, advanced science will lead the country to the peak of civilization. To do this, every Kazakhstani must supplement their knowledge and educate their children. The future begins today. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in the future and bring up our generation to be demanding and quick-witted.

Speakers of the Republican online conference:

1. Seitkaziev Ruslan Omirgazyevich, PhD student of KazNPU named after Abai, teacher of "Institute of History and Law", "World History";

2. Zhuzey Myrzakhmet Amankulovich, senior researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religion of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, theologian, PhD student.


A benefit performance called the “Formula for success”

A benefit performance called the “Formula for success”

Library of the University together with the Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines and the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan held a benefit performance called the “Formula for success” on the 15th of September of 2021, and the winner was a student of an IR-19-2 group Aytzhanov Sanzhar, laureate of the first prize of the annual Olympiad for schoolchildren in world history and foreign language (certificate for a discount from the rector of KEUK dated by February of 2019), holder of a scholarship from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of a grant from the KAZENERGY association for 2020-2021 academic year.

The event was attended by first-year students of the SLG and PIM groups of the Faculty of FEME.

Sanzhar spoke about his achievements, and then freshmen asked questions and received comprehensive answers. The author of the most interesting question received a prize - a book.

The library staff expresses gratitude to the Department of the WE and IR, and to a teacher G.K. Kaliyeva for the assistance provided in the event.

TBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment

On September 10, 2021, the Dostyk Coworking Center organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment. The master class was conducted by Madiyev Seitzhan, entrepreneur, regional Director of Kazakh Invest, financier of CAIFC INVESTMENT GROUP.

The speaker spoke about the difference between saving and investing, introduced students to the main instruments of the stock market. He also helped to learn how the stock market works and how to evaluate a company in order to choose reliable and profitable securities.

The master class was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

TBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

On September 10, 2021, a meeting of the Faculty of the department was held at the Department of Management and Innovation with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship G. I. Gimranova and undergraduates of the educational program " Management "to discuss the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated 01.09.2021"Unity of the people and systemic reforms – a solid foundation for the prosperity of the country".

The meeting was opened by the acting head of the department, D. M. Salauatova, presenting the main issues of the Address and identifying new tasks for the development of the country.
During the event, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sikhimbayeva D. R., Doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova T. P., Master, teacher Zulkharnai A. N. made speeches.
In general, the participants noted the strategic nature of the third Message of the head of State K. Tokayev, aimed at implementing systemic reforms in all spheres of public life in the post-pandemic period, which are possible under the condition of the unity of the Kazakh people and interethnic harmony in society.


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