One of the main components of the realization of public education programs of the RK for 2011-2020 years and the principles of the Bologna process is academic mobility of students and teaching stuff.
On the basis of the agreements signed of joint educational master's programs of double-diploma education with partner universities: St. Petersburg State University of Information technology, Mechanics and Optics (SPSU ITMO), Astrakhan State University (ASU) and the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) is expanding cooperation not only for magistrates, but also in the framework of post-graduate and undergraduate.
During the reporting period, the following activities were made:
1. As a result of the conducted joint defend of master theses with partner universities ASU and NSU on-line and a joint signed agreement to expand cooperation in the direction of postgraduate IT - training 4 teacher from our university study at USCO Astrakhan State University, one of them is on grant of MES of Russia (Dyusekeev KA, Esmagambetov TU, Shalkibasova GK, Faber EN).
2. In October 2011 with a goal to exchange experiences set out to SPSU ITMO Head of the ICS department, professor Omarova SH.E.
3. In November 2011 to KEUK came the Head of CS department's professor,, Aliyev T.A. from SPSU ITMO to read lectures on "Models of information systems" for postgraduates of USCO and the head of the Department of Innovation of MESI professor Fedoseyev S.V.with a cycle of lectures on discipline: "Parallel programming in computing systems of a parallel architecture".
4. In November 2012 an official visit to our university made the coordinator of USCO RF Malutin D.V., Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg state university ITMO, professor Y.L. Kolesnikov, the Head of the Department of Computer educational technologies, professor of St. Petersburg state university ITMO Lisitsina L.S.,, docent Belozubov A.V.
The guests got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university, spoke to student audience, initiated new interesting proposals. As a result of collaboration agreements on further expansion of cooperation in the framework of a bachelor degree on practical training was made.
In order to enhance international cooperation KEUK signed agreements to increase the number of programs of academic mobility, programs of passing the international professional practice for bachelors in partner universities of St. Petersburg state university ITMO and ASU. These programs allow students to explore and gain practical skills in research laboratories of leading universities of Russia, to identify potential undergraduates, PhD students and researchers of SCO, to ensure their early adaptation in the host universities. These directions within the framework of SCO are fully consistent with the objectives raised by the State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.
In February-March of 2013 4 graduate students of the gr. IS-33s went on practical training in partner university ASU in a direction of "Networks and Telecommunications".
From 23 of june till 5 july of 2013 5 students of specialties "IS" and "Computer science and software" have been derived in practice partner institution SPSU ITMO.
Our university is the basic institution for the implementation of distance learning technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of distance learning shows that this technology is very relevant in the SCO Network University.
On the eve of the Day of Science on the basis of KEUK on 12-13 April of 2013 has been held the second international scientific-practical conference "SCO University - new horizons for distance education: experience, practice and prospects of development", which was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and Russia with the participation of representatives of head (base) universities of SCO University.
In the context of declining of the people's living standards is particularly acute issue of financial support for students in SCO by the state. Insufficient number of grants for training USCO programs (1-2 grant per university) reduces the contingent of admission to master of USCO.
Using distance learning technologies in the USCO project will reduce the cost for students for travelling and accommodation in the partner universities, will provide access to the content of educational programs of all participants of USCO makes possible the joint scientific discussion and online joint protection of master's theses, the development of training for undergraduates, and also for bachelors with such partner institutions as MESI and SPSU ITMO.
In order to use distance learning technology in the USCO (KEUK) and launch a pilot project for a full-time and distance joint educational program with the use of distance learning technologies at KEUK on 23-27 September of 2013 representatives of SPSU ITMO visited KEUK: Dean of International Relations Kotelnikov Y.P and docent of the department Belozubov A.V., they got acquainted with the work of DLC, increased the qualification and the evidence is their certificates.
In the 2013-2014 academic year groups were formed for study cholarships of MES of Russia, and two scholarships of MES RK on a joint educational master's programs of double-diploma education in St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies - Moldabekova B.K., Ibragimov M.S., K.V. Ryzhov, at ASU - Pernebaeva D.
In December 2013 was signed an agreement on joint cooperation and two-diploma education with MESI about joint master's educational program for IT - direction, was developed a working study plan of preparing students of the specialty 6M07300 "Information system".
Currently, the work on the implementation of the pilot project on joint educational programs for economic - IT directions to St. Petersburg NRU ITMO and MESI sor 2014-15 academic year is being made.
From 2011-2012 academic year at the department the internal mobility of teachers and students at the regional level between KEUK and KSTU specialties IS and Computer science and software is working. Sen. teacher Moldabekova B.K. conducted classes at KSTU, teacher Tailak B.E. - in KEUK (see Annex 1-2), docent V.G. Drozd and sen.teacher Dyusekeev K.A. - for students at KSTU, professor Ten T.L for students of the Karaganda Industrial University.
On the 1 semester of the 2013-2014 academic year student of specialty CS and S Baymukasheva Salima studied at International Business School Solbridge in South Korea.
In our university constantly are being read the lectures by leading scientists from abroad. Undergraduates of the specialty "Information Systems" attended the lectures of professor Y.Techke, Kupalova G.I., Nureyev.

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