Information about the service of documentary maintenance control


Service documentary maintenance control is created on the basis of the order of the rector №295-ok from 06.09.2007 as a division of the Department of Personnel Management
Head of the Service of Documents management and control reports directly to the Director of the Department of Personnel Management. The structure of the service including the office, archive.

The main objectives of the service are:
1. improving the forms and methods of work with documents in the University;
2. The provision of a unified procedure for documenting, organizing paperwork, creation and maintenance of information retrieval systems, the control of execution of documents and preparation of documents for the transfer to the departmental archives of the University;
3. The reduction in document management at the university;
4. The development, introduction of new technological processes with documents and document information through the use of organizational and computer technology, including the ordering of documents and information indicators.

The service performs the following functions:
• carries out the initial treatment, a preliminary review, registration, recording, storage, delivery and distribution of documents, sending and receiving faxes, e-mail the university.
• organizes the timely consideration by the University of incoming documents, oversees the registration documents submitted for signature to the university management;
• controls the execution of documents in a timely manner, regularly inform the university administration about the results of the execution of documents;
• create and maintain control reference population;
• organizes copying and reproduction of documents;
• developing guidance on records management and other regulatory guidance documents to document and records management;
• Range of affairs of the University, provides rapid storage cases and their use to transfer in the prescribed manner to the private archive;
• develop measures to improve the forms and methods of work with documents, improve performance discipline;
• control over the accuracy of registration and formation of affairs in subdivisions, organizes expert evaluation of documents for the purpose of selection for the storage and destruction;
• organizes improving business skills service meets, seminars and consultations on the document and records management;

Prospects of activity - the introduction of office automation and workflow transition to the state language, based on a comprehensive introduction of information technology in all areas of document management that allows you to create a single information space in the university.
To implement the project of automation of document management at the University of the Concept of electronic document management and electronic document management rules of the organization.

Head of Service - Smagulova Larissa Serikovna
Chief Inspector - Lukonina Alexandra
Clerk - Kanitskaya Tamara losifovna
Zav.arhivom - Bikenova Sania Isabekovna

Tel / fax 44-16-32


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