Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region
Faculty of business, law and technology
international scientific and practical conference
dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
On March 27, 2020, the international scientific and practical conference "Constructive dialogue-the basis of the social state" is held at the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz»
The conference is planned in the following areas:
1.Spirituality and creativity in the formation of the worldview of young people
2.Constitutional and legal foundations for the modernization of civil society, the state and the economy
3.Legal regulation of public associations and social movements: international experience and development prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan
4.Youth: modern problems of ecology and product safety
5.Tourism and hospitality industry as a form of social activity
6.Current issues of physical culture and sports development in the youth environment
Conference program
9.30 -10.00 registration of participants
10.00-11.00 Plenary session
11.00-13.00 working in sections
13.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 closing of the conference. The issuance of certificates.
Condition of participation:
To participate in the conference, you must send an email to the organizing Committee by March 15, 2020: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1) application for participation in the conference (Appendix 1);
2) an article (no more than 3 pages in length) designed in accordance with the requirements (Appendix 2).
languages : Kazakh, Russian, English, Bulgarian.
The materials of the accepted reports will be published by the opening of the conference. The collection of conference materials will be assigned the international ISBN index, the BBK and UDC indexes. Articles are published free of charge.
Requirements for presentation of reports:
Reports are provided as a single file typed in the WORD text editor. Page format: A4. Page margins: top – 2 cm, bottom-2 cm, right-2 cm, left-2.5 cm font: Times New Roman (Times New Roman KZ), 12 pins. Line spacing: multiplier 1. Indentation: 1 cm text Alignment: justified. The list of references is located at the end of the article.
Drawings: in the text, the drawing is centered, and one empty line is left in front of it. Below is the name of the drawing.
Table: the word "table" and its number are aligned to the left without paragraph indentation; on the next line, in the middle, place the name of the table-bold outline. After the table – one empty row.
The text cannot be edited and is the original. The conference proceedings will be collected by direct copying. Therefore, we draw Your attention to the need to submit materials in a carefully edited form in compliance with all the above requirements.
The organizing Committee reserves the right to reject the publication of reports that do not meet the requirements of the conference in their content and design.
Expenses related to arrival at the conference are paid by the participants.
Contact phone number:
87784590358-Magdatova Kymbat Zhanatovna
With respect,
conference organizing Committee.