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  • International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda

International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda

International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda

Speakers on the areas implemented within the framework of the Erasmus program+:

Students-participants of the Erasmus+ grant program on international credit mobility:
- Korpan Olga, Aitova Zaria (specialty "International relations") Janos Kodolani University (Budapest, Hungary);
- Marat Alibek (specialty "Restaurant and hotel business") Anadolu University, (Anadolu, Turkey);

"Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan" TRUNAK, project coordinator-head of Department of "Economics and entrepreneurship" c.e.s., associate Professor Abdikarimova A. T.;

"Establishment of Centers for Competence and Employability Development" COMPLETE, project coordinator-Director of the Department of strategic development, d.p.s., Professor S. A. Mulikova, member of the working group-senior lecturer G. U. Talimova, Director of the Resource center, c.e.s., associate Professor Kose Zh. K.;

"Central Asian Centre for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship" CACTLE, project coordinator - Director of Department of postgraduate education, PhD, associate Professor Omarova A.T., members of the working group: c.e.s., associate Professor Ulakov N.S., c.e.s., associate Professor Kenzhebekov N.D.;

Jean Monnet Module "Theory and Practice of European Integration", project coordinator - senior lecturer of the Department "World economy and international relations" Аtabayeva D.T., member of the working group - Director of the Center of International programs, projects and Academic mobility, senior lecturer Shukusheva Y.V.



International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda

International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda

International programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of the University in the framework of the global event #ErasmusDays 2019 October 10, 2019 held an information day «Implementation of international projects of the Erasmus+ program in Karaganda



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