Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of writing a scientific project"

Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of writing a scientific project"January 12, 2023 Professor of the Department, PhD "General legal and special disciplines" Karzhasova G.B. in order to involve young people in science, she held a scientific seminar on the topic: "Features and requirements for writing a scientific project." Young university teachers took part in the seminar. The main goal of this scientific seminar is to develop teachers' competencies and research skills in the process of preparing a scientific project. Speaker Karzhasova G. B. demonstrated all the necessary information for submitting a grant project, explained the application process, young teachers showed interest and expressed their desire to participate in scientific projects.


Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of writing a scientific project" Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of writing a scientific project"
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ