Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree

Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree

On December 1, 2022, the students of Logistics took part in the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad organized by the Department of Business Technologies of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (
Alkibaev Dias, Batyrshayeva Assel, Garanin Vyacheslav, Koroshchenko Milana, Mergenchinov Zhanat as part of the team completed the proposed tasks: they wrote an essay on "The main drivers and obstacles in global supply chains" and prepared a project "Eco-friendly solutions in logistics and supply chain management".
On December 7, 2022, the results of the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad were summed up. The team of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz showed all their knowledge and performed worthily, taking the honorable II place.


Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree
Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree
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