Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater"

Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater"

On October 6, 2022, students of the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" participated in an event that expanded their professional skills, adding an interesting and unusual item "solving problems with the help of theatrical creativity" to them.
The Chair of General Education Disciplines of Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, together with the Chair of Professional Psychological Training and Management of the Chair of Internal Affairs, organized a "Forum-theater" on the topic "Socio-psychological factors of family violence", which was attended by students and teachers of our University and the Medical University of Karaganda, the School of Nursing Education, as well as representatives of the support center for large families "Shanyrak".
The methodology of the forum-theater is a search within the framework of the proposed performance, together with other participants, for ways to solve a problem or get out of a difficult life situation. The Forum-theater method is an interactive method of psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of social problems, which is based on the method of theatrical stage action and feedback from the audience.
The purpose of this forum-theater was to discuss specific recommendations of law enforcement officers to identify the psychological nature, the prevention of domestic violence and a complete and high-quality investigation of crimes of this category.


Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater" Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater" Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater"
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