Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"

Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"

On March 30, 2022, within the framework of the plan of the Association of Departments of the APK "Shanyrak", the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized and held a Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment".
The round table was attended by heads and employees of government agencies, NGOs, representatives of youth associations and organizations, UNICEF experts, domestic scientific and pedagogical workers, undergraduates and students.
The department carried out a lot of preparatory work, in particular, Klishina M., V. Dzhabaeva G.N., who were scientific supervisors of students who prepared reports: "Mobbing, bullying as forms of violence in a team" - Alexander Schneider From 20-2, Seidakhmet Asylkhan From 20-2; "Aggression and violence» Kim Anastasia S-20-2; "Schoolshooting as a form of violence in an educational institution" - Makhmetova Dilnaz S-20-2; "Trolling as a type of unethical virtual communication of network interaction" - Yerkinov Damir S 20-2.

Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov Kosman Zhakupaevich in his welcoming speech drew attention to the relevance of the problem of interaction between adolescents, youth, which has always attracted the attention of well-known psychologists and teachers. He stressed the importance of realizing the fact that interpersonal communication with peers is one of the leading factors in the formation and formation of the personality of adolescents and young people and determines their tolerance and ability to dialogue with representatives of other cultures, other ethnic groups, other faiths. In her introductory speech, Ph.D., Professor Klishina M.V. focused on such a factor as sociometric status: every teenager, every young person strives, if not for leadership, then at least for parity in relationships. Focusing on the causes of the spread of mobbing, cybermobbing, bullying and cyberbullying, M.V. Klishina drew attention to the fact that some feelings: such as admiration, delight, joy, unite, while others, like resentment, anger, envy, separate people and can lead to aggression, mobbing, bullying, schoolshooting, trolling. That's why the emotional level of communication is so important.
Considerable interest was aroused by the speeches of the Chairman of the Association of Departments of the APK "Shanyrak", Head of the Department of the APK of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Ph.D. Kalashnikova N.P., acting Senior Inspector of the State Unitary Enterprise OMPS UP Karaganda city, police captain Barkina E.V., head of the Representative Office of the NGO "Assembly of Zhastary" in the Karaganda region, compliance officer of the NGO "Medical University of Karaganda" Urmashov A.N., psychologist KarUK Temirkhanova G.U., mentor of the UNICEF project "Be kind", citizen journalist Smagulov A.A., deputy. The head of the "Assembly of Zhastary" in the Karaganda region, the head of the youth wing of the CHEKO "VAINAKH" Umalatov I.T., a student of the C-20-2 KarUK Sailau Damira.
The round table was held in one breath, all the speeches complemented each other, caused active feedback, and this is a considerable merit of the moderators: Head of the Department of SPD and APK Tutinova N.E. and Ph.D., Associate Professor Seifullina G.R.
During the speeches, the causes and state of the determined social problem were analyzed, the urgency of which is growing both due to the traumatic consequences and due to the ubiquity and everyday prevalence, suggestions were made on possible methods of countering bullying, mobbing, cyberbullying, cybermobbing that threaten human life, honor and dignity.
The participants of the round table stressed that the negative phenomena discussed are systemic in nature and require careful study. In this regard, the proposal to implement projects within the framework of the MOR and the MES of the RK CPGI aimed at studying the problem under discussion, creating conditions for preventing violence, aggressive and sacrificial behavior among minors and the emergence of group crime among young people, forming positive socialization of the younger generation, reducing their alienation from society received support and approval.


Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"
Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"
Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"
Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"
Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment" Republican round table "Problems of mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, cybermobbing in the youth environment"



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