Training on the topic "Establishing positive psychological relationships in a team"

Training on the topic "Establishing positive psychological relationships in a team"

The Department of "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" successfully develops cooperation with the members-participants of the Educational-Scientific-Industrial Complex "Damu". One of the new areas of cooperation is the joint training of psychologists with the leading institutions of the region under the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education".
Relationships in the teaching staff have a huge impact on the efficiency of the work process. Each employee is individual, has his own, sometimes difficult, character, preferences and wishes. That is why knowledge of the psychology of relationships in a team plays an important role. How to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding? There are many psychological forms and techniques for improving the socio-psychological climate, among which a special place is given to training. Senior teachers of the department Isina S.S. and Zhakisheva G.S. training exercises were conducted with teachers of the Schoolchildren's Palace No. 2 on the topic "Building positive relationships in the team." According to the feedback of the teachers, the training was interesting, of high quality, contributed to the disclosure of the resources of psychological protection, and also improved the emotional mood of the teachers.
Cooperation will be continued in accordance with the Agreement on UNPK “DAMU”.

 Training on the topic "Establishing positive psychological relationships in a team"

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