Online webinar «Trends and development trends in the food industry»

Online webinar «Trends and development trends in the food industry»

3 Dec 2020 representative of the Kazakhstan Association of hotels and restaurants (Kagir), Almaty Saule Makhambetova Azimjanova together with the teachers of the Department "Tourism and catering" was organized online webinar - meeting with the chef of the family restaurant "Teika boom", TV presenter of the channel "Magic kitchen" Evdokimov Artem on the topic: "Expanded horizons in the field of nutrition".
Artem told about the history of restaurant development, explained the differences and similarities in the development prospects of bars and restaurants, shared plans to promote restaurants in Kazakhstan and explained the specifics of brand development in our country.
The meeting was very useful and exciting. Students could not only hear up-to-date information about staff, equipment, tableware and kitchen equipment, cooking, but also learn about current trends in the development of the food industry. A live discussion was held, during which students received answers to all their questions from the chef.

 Online webinar «Trends and development trends in the food industry»

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