"The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state"

"The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state"

03.12.2020 at 14.00 in the Department of Social Work and KPA of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of KEUK, the chief imam of the Taugul mosque in Almaty, Mazhen Kalmakhanovich, delivered a lecture to the university students "The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state." He spoke in detail about the religious situation in modern Kazakhstan and the ongoing work of the SAMK. The issues of non-traditional religious movements, their influence on the social environment and main problems were also discussed. Of course, at the end of the lecture, students were given the opportunity to ask questions, to which students received comprehensive answers.
Moderator of the event – Senior Lecturer, Doctor PhD Tutinova N.E.


"The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state" "The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state"
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