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  • A student on the specialty "World Economy" received a diploma of the 1st degree DEGREE in the competition "Best Young Scientist - 2020"

A student on the specialty "World Economy" received a diploma of the 1st degree DEGREE in the competition "Best Young Scientist - 2020"

A student on the specialty "World Economy" received a diploma of the 1st degree DEGREE in the competition "Best Young Scientist - 2020"We congratulate the student of the specialty "World Economy" (group ME_42) Aimbetova Tana, who received the 1st DEGREE DIPLOMA in the competition "Best Young Scientist - 2020" organized by the International Association of Young Scientists (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan) with the support of the Association of Legal Entities in the form of an association " National movement "Bobek". Also We congratulate the scientific advisor, Ph.D. Abeuovа S.T.
The student was awarded a special medal "Young Scientist-2020", a diploma of the 1st degree, as well as a collection of "Best Young Scientist - 2020" and an electronic version of the book.


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