«Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы»

«Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы»Teachers and students of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" on November 15, 2019 held an evening of poetry "Uly halyktyn-Uly Abayy", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, composer, educator, philosopher, public figure Abay Kunanbayev.
In opening remarks, head of Department AU T. I. emphasized the importance of the personality of Abai, who became the founder of the new Kazakh national written literature and Kazakh literary language, has done much to help his people, to reconcile it with the Russian, to attach to the world Treasury of culture.
His poems, musical works do not lose their relevance and now, which was confirmed by the performances of students who sang songs and read poems and words of edification of the great Abai.


«Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы» «Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы»
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