“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!

“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!

On April 30, 2019, the “KEUK Talks” conference, the first conference-platform of this format, was held at the university.
“KEUK Talks” is a KEUK platform, which allows people to keep up their desire for knowledge, to acquaint them with advanced ideas and experience in all areas of science, culture and practice.
4 speakers (3 from them external) took a part in “KEUK Talks” conference:
1. Zhanabayev Daniyar – “Bolashak” Academy student – “Reducing youth employment”. Daniyar spoke first and touched on one of the most important problems of today's youth, he announced the causes and solutions to the problem.
2. Rakhimov Yerlan - Director of the Language Center, teacher, entrepreneur, lawyer, spoke on the topic “Business development without investments”. Yerlan shared how from scratch and without investments people can open successful business, and Yerlan revealed marketing secrets.
3. Turakova Madina - “Bolashak” Academy student – “Visualization as a way of successful learning languages”. Madina made a presentation in English, shared methods of learning foreign languages by visualizing on the example of English.
4. Kose Zhanna – c.e.s., business coach, psychologist, ICU professional coach, neurography specialist – “How to fill the life with meaning?” Zhanna shared her life experience, giving advice on the real life purpose.
Students listened with interest to the invited speakers, there was a lively dialogue, and students had the opportunity to get answers to all their questions. Invited speakers were given letters of appreciation for participating in the conference.
After the conference, feedback was received from KEUK students and “Bolashak” Academy about the event.


“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK! “KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!
“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK! “KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!



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