Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service

Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service

20.02.2019 there was held a workshop on "Applying for administrative and law enforcement service". Chief specialist of SI "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption in Karaganda region" Karsakova Gulnara Nursultanovna has explained students the procedure for admission to the civil service, informed about the innovations and changes in the Law called "Public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan", about the requirements for personal and professional qualities of candidates, which are wishing to be selected for public service. Karsakova G. N. has wished to KEUK students to develop creativity, to be mobile and independent, patriots of our Republic.


Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ