Article of the President «Seven faces of the great steppe»- a new frontier in understanding our history

Article of the President «Seven faces of the great steppe»- a new frontier in understanding our historyTeachers of the Department «Social work and APK», students of «Social work» and «Basics of law and Economics» discussed the main provisions of the Program article of the President of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev «Seven faces of the great steppe».
President’s new article of the country was a continuation of the program «Rukhani zhangyru». In the article he clearly outlined the historical, scientific and moral guidelines that are so necessary today for the spiritual development of our country.
During the discussion, the participants emphasized that the implementation of six new projects on the study of Kazakhstan’s history and promotion of the cultural heritage of the people of Kazakhstan, proposed by N.A. Nazarbayev, will become a powerful basis for the further development of science, art and culture and will make a unique contribution to the development of world civilization.


Article of the President «Seven faces of the great steppe»- a new frontier in understanding our history

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