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  • «Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»

«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»

«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»

Patriotism begins with love for one's land, city, and small homeland. Students of the specialty Logistics and Marketing (Log-21k, Log-32, MG-21k groups), many of whom are from other cities, have decided that it is correct to get acquainted with the history of the region where their student youth passes.
On November 7, 2018, they visited the Mine Museum at the Mining Industrial College. The guide, Vladimir Valentinovich, by the way, is a former miner, a true patriot and keeper of mining glory, acquainted them with the history of the mines and plunged into mining reality: in the cage, the students sank into the mine and saw the miners' hard everyday life with their own eyes. The campaign for them was very informative, convincing, colorful and memorable.


«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?» «Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»
«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?» «Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»
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