Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children"

Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children"On March 14, 2017, the Department of total juridical and special disciplines organized a round table on the topic "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children". The following persons participated in the roundtable: deputy prosecutor of the Kazybek bi district of Karaganda Nazarbekov S.T., Imam of the Muslim Spiritual Board of Kazakhstan of the branch of the Republican religious association Abdildaev B.K., archpriest of the local Orthodox religious association "Parish of the Vvedensky Cathedral of the city of Karaganda , Karaganda and Shakhtinsk Diocese " Mikhail Patrikeev, senior judicial officer of the South-Eastern Territorial Department for the Execution of Judicial Acts of the City of Karaganda Sattibayev G.G. and students of the specialty "Jurisprudence". The speeches of the participants of the round table aroused great interest among the audience, a lively dialogue was held, many questions were asked.


Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children" Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children"
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